Catfish Cove – House Walkthrough FFXIV

Walkthrough of a large throne palace in Shirogane hill, featuring an inside garden.
Owner: Rhea L’mao
Address: Chaos, Moogle, Shirogane W23 P30
Music: Dear Sleep – Johannes Bornlof


15 thoughts on “Catfish Cove – House Walkthrough FFXIV”

  1. Absolutely amazing natural light within this build. When you turned around to show the starry night balcony I literally said "Whoa whoa whoaaa!" outloud. Gotta admit I'm not a fan of the namazu but this is the style I really enjoy seeing most from you even if all your others are amazing, themes like this will always be my favorite.

  2. Wow I'm speechless. I love everything about this oh and that angel throne is very unique. I love where you placed the lions with the water coming from them. You know I can't forget this part…love your outfit girl holla! lol


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