Into a Copper Hell
– Momodi is waiting to brief you on your task.
– Speak with Painted Mesa.
– Speak with the Stone Torch before Copperbell Mines.
– Enter Copperbell Mines.
– Report to Painted Mesa.
– Defeat the bodyguards!
– Speak with Momodi.
– Momodi is waiting to brief you on your task.
– It would seem that a horde of hecatoncheires has been wreaking havoc in the depths of Copperbell Mines. So that mining operations may resume, Papashan bids you subdue the hulking creatures. In preparation for the mission, the stationmaster suggests that you speak with Painted Mesa, an employee of Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern.
– You learn from Painted Mesa that Copperbell Mines were reopened in order to meet the pressing demand for building materials created in the wake of the Calamity. Without a steady supply, Ul’dah’s nascent recovery may slow to a standstill. Make your way to the mines, and report to the Stone Torch who stands guard at the entrance.
– You’ve been granted permission to enter the mines. Make your way through the tunnels, putting down any hecatoncheires you encounter.
※Challenge Copperbell Mines with other players via the Duty Finder, or with a party of NPCs via Duty Support. Both systems are accessible from the main menu as well as the dungeon’s entrance point.
– You have succeeded in subduing the hecatoncheires. Report back to Painted Mesa at the Quicksand.