Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – #7 – The Scions

The plot! She begins to stir.

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0:00 – Introduction

0:19 – Quest: “The Scions of the Seventh Dawn”

13:24 – Quest: “A Wild Rose by Any Other Name”

21:17 – Quest: “Unsolved Mystery”

23:51 – Quest: “What Poor People Think”

26:52 – Quest: “A Proper Burial”

31:43 – Quest: “For the Children”

34:14 – Quest: “Amalj’aa Wrong Places”


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Edited by Daniel Floyd

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV


42 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – #7 – The Scions”

  1. There are plotreasons why there isn't an atherite…. and never will be. But now there's teleport tickets, so you can just go there, as they give them to you by the handful, so, there's that.

  2. 1:07 "I've been given leave to tell you to where to find the Scions, but you must promise to keep this information to yourself"
    "For instance, uploading it to a youtube channel with 114k subscribers would completely betray my trust."

  3. Either i got distracted with a lot of side-quests to the point i saw them as main quest as well or the quest line works differently depending on where you start ( i honestly don't remember anymore ) but feels like i am missing a part in between. Thought he would be around the baby coeurl thing and the rest of the story lines there there instead of the scions ^_^"

  4. Teleport to Limsa, teleport go to the Arcanists guild, and talk to the ferrymaster. Takes you right to Vesper Bay and is much quicker than doing that run every time.

  5. Up till here, I'd been thinking that the voice work for this was above average. Not bad, but pretty dece…

    Minfilia though…. gets the job done, but I can see how an upgrade to her would probably be handy if she's going to be around a lot, as the head of the order.

  6. First off, a disclaimer: even though I know a bit about phonetics (mostly self-taught), I'm far from being a linguist. So even though I tried my best explaining the phonetics, there might be a thing or two wrong or not very well explained

    27:11 I take it as Portuguese mostly because it feels like a Portuguese surname akin to Gomes (instead of the Spanish counterpart '-ez' that you can see in Gómez). The surname suffix '-es' has the meaning of 'the son of', like for example, Álvares means 'son of Álvaro'; Marques, 'son of Marcos' and so forth.

    About the pronunciation of 'Marques', you can pronounce It as /ˑmaɾ.kiʃ/ (for those who are not able to read IPA, it would be something like MAR-keesh) or /ˑmaɾ.kis/ (MAR-kees).

    Of course, it's a bit of an oversimplification, given there are a lot of variation between the accents, but I can say for sure is that:
    1-'e' and 'o' (and sometimes 'a' ) tend to vary the pronunciation depending on whether being or not in the stressed syllable, mostly becoming /i/(ee) and /u/(oo) (and in case of 'a', it becomes the closed vowel 'a'(/ɐ/) – similar from u from the English word 'but' (/bʌt/) );
    2-'qu' in Portuguese has two pronunciations depending on the proceeding vowel: if it's proceeded by 'a'/'o', it pronounces as /kw/ (like the 'qu' from the English word 'quote'). However, if proceeded by 'e'/'i', it's pronounced as just /k/, like the word 'keen'

    Hope it helps. Let me know if you have further questions about the pronunciation.

  7. As a kid, I was a huge fan of JRPGs on the Nintendo systems, and Final Fantasy was near the top of the list. The references in these games brings so much joy to my nerdy heart. The big one for me was Matoya; original costume, remix of the original music, the same backwards talking brooms.

  8. if it's meant to be a french pronunciation it is indeed "mark" . 28:00

    edit: for simplicity sake i haven't specified the rolled "R" because it tends to be difficult for people who haven't used it much, but yeah, mark, but roll the "R" .to be more specific.
    also sorry if it's already been addressed , i haven't read all the comments

  9. Finally I can get back to watching your playthrough! I've been busy with a house-move over the holidays, and the holidays, and well everything else. But I'm happy to see you're still doing this, even though I have a lot to catch up on. I hope you still plan to do the whole game, because I'd be really disappointed if you only did ARR!

  10. 12:40 I recently had a retrieving corpses quest, and when I moused over one of them the description said, "How you are able to fit this stiff corpse into your bag is a mystery best left unsolved"

    36:33 As usual, the new person gets all the grunt work 😉


    The story of Eorzea is a grand and sprawling narrative. One that, unfortunately, belies a simple telling broken up over months of individual sessions – including necessary if tragic breaks. In the interest of helping viewers remember the characters and terminology they have seen before I have taken the liberty of creating a pronoun glossary of sorts of Durmin's adventures.

    A few notes before we get started (this text will be the same in every episode, so feel free to skip it in future episodes). First: And most importantly, this glossary is COMPLETELY SPOILER _SAFE_. I have manually built each entry from the episodes that preceded it; although I have played most of the game, I have taken every effort to just copy information from these videos. Second: This is not a story recap, most of the story will not appear here. This is just a glossary of terms. Finally: This little project turned out to be significantly more exhausting that I anticipated and while I am happy to continue, I will make mistakes. There may be missing information in these records, and I welcome any additions provided they can timestamp the text where the information came from. I also shift in and out of various tones as I get more and less tired, so please forgive these inconsistencies, I plan to slowly unify the tone over time now that 2.0 is complete.

    I'll also be including fun facts about the glossary at the end of each expansion.


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