So, this is a big meme in the #FFXIV community. No matter what you do, or how amazing your stats are, you are AT LEAST a green dps (speaking of parsing.. but no one uses a dmg meter of course.. it’s against the ToS! 😛 ) Healer? No, you dps. Your pet heals, your cards heal, your off heals, heal. You dps. You’re a tank? Well, we can only down this boss if you position it, and dps. Dps? Well it better be ORANGE! 😛 So, as a new #GW2 player, I made this video as a joke of how a seasoned FFXIV vet would put together a raid group in GW2. The idea is, your build doesn’t matter, your dps does (even though we all know they correlate). So, hope you liked this attempt at another meme video! Again, special thanks to @MightyTeapot , @MuklukYoutube & the Pepega Party guild.
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So the meme is that no matter what you explain.. you’re always a dps. No explanation needed 😛 special thanks to all of the people who did voice lines for this silly little video!
Me damage
Hahaha – wish I'd been around to join the making of this video.
Me: I can come as a BS.
Xan: What does that even mean? Bullshit.
Me: Eh, no, banner slave…
Xan: Do I even want to know?!?!
And yes, I had Chalk (my fiancé) do it first as something really pretentious and started the silly, irritated and bored facial expressions then 😛
Lol lord I hate the sound of my own voice
I actually never raided in GW2 and I'm scared to get into it because I'm not a hardcore player and I probably will hold back the good players.
Nevertheless, watching your first experience looked fun.
I wish there would be an intro raid for noobs or a better lfg system to indicate you are inexperienced for pugs.
5:31 LOL
This video just reminds me of why I love making builds in GW2. There are so many different things you can do to aid your party. 😀
Also, Mukluk is a treasure.
I'm just getting flashbacks to the time my guild did organised raids and I was Power Ele with a fixed DPS rotation…but because I was also ranged I inevitably spent most of my time running mechanics and NOT doing maximum DPS. My official role was "backup green" (this was before distortion was the main tactic), but inevitably I would run to every single one because someone else was late.
Chaotic as anything, but lots of fun.
in the outro i was like – wait where was muk? AND THAN HE HIT US HARD
And here I am with my latest build being a druid that is basically only focused on healing and no damage at all.
It's great fun when there is alot of players taking alot of damage. x)
Screw big damage numbers! The feeling when I see all the green numbers from making fat heals in the claw of jormag event is my new drug.