Final Fantasy 14 Part 451

Final Fantasy 14 Part 451. Leves and Tomestones


3 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 Part 451”

  1. Hi there Ross! Hope this little message finds you well. 😊 The subs number is going up nicely. Great job you! 👍 I’ve been remiss in watching your channel of late, sorry about that. 😣 Lots of things happening! Some bad but some good too! I found a new job and had my first day today. 😁 Here’s hoping I’ll be telling someday, that I just celebrated my one year at this new place. 😆
    Stay safe and take care friend. ☺️ See you soon.

  2. You can make it to where only certain mounts appear when using your random mount button. Just go to menu, scroll down to mount guide. Just right click on any of the mounts you DO want to randomly call upon and select "Add to Favorites". Then when done, on the bottom left side of the Mount Guide box, click on "Set mount roulette to select from favorite mounts only".
    Also, the Grand Company hunt logs are needed to be completed for higher ranks anyway, so definitely not a waste of time.


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