Final Fantasy 14 Needs to Chill Out | Heavensward 3.4 Ending

Final Fantasy 14 has repeatedly broken me. I think it needs to chill out for a minute

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40 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 Needs to Chill Out | Heavensward 3.4 Ending”

  1. Such a colourful silly weeby game. Right?
    Get ready for a huge emotional rollercoaster.

    P.S. If you want another slap on the face, about Minfilia's story, do the Alchemist quests.

  2. Light is not good and Dark not evil. In their own way both are needed for the world to exist.

    It's just in their absolute state they are destructive. In the Source, the world we play in, the Darkness had risen and overpowered the Light, so to restore balance Hydaelyn chose a Warrior of Light to restore the balance.

    We learn from the WoD that in his world the Light won, and banished the Darkness completely, but that left his world dying.

    We also learned, during the Crystal Tower, that a world that fell completely to Darkness is the source of most voidsend, now called the Void.

  3. I can understand the confusion, as they seem use "light" for different things …
    There is the Light that is destroying the First … here they are talking about an Elemental force … like fire and wind for example … that's why Minfilia talks like its a separate thing from Hydelin … because while it corelates and they seem to be connected it is a different thing.
    The second is a the Light of the Crystal ak Hydelin as opposed to Zodiarks Dark … this is more akin to ying and yang …
    Through that is only with the info I have up to where I am in SB, so future story may change that

  4. You have absolutely NO IDEA what this game is going to do to you… If you think FFXIV has tugged at your heart strings already, then please understand that the game is going to shit all over you and leave you a quivering mess.

    This writing is downright phenomenal. Anyone that disagrees is incapable of comprehending quality. Period. End of statement. Anyone that claims they like WoW's story better is a freaking idiot. And yes. That is a direct dig at Quin.

  5. Clearly this is a weeb game right??? Pfft….

    On a serious note. This is free all of it. Everything you've done so far. All free.

    I am enjoying your playthrough of the game. I'm on the last legs of Endwalker. So watching you reminds me of my own time through these expansions (been playing since 2014) and it's so nice.

    Keep at it!

  6. I’m just glad someone finally recognize Minfillia. All these streamers trashing on her not realizing she literally chose death three times so others can live

  7. As you continue your walk towards the end, remember all that you heard. Remember all that you felt. Remember all that you thought. Hold tight to it all, even though it will burn like fire, for it will be your strength. And only by bearing it all will you see what lies beyond the far edge of fate. Now go, continue your journey on the path lit by the light of the Crystal.

  8. FF14's story knows where your heartstrings are, and does not mind playing them like a puppeteer.
    This game's story has not only brought me to tears but has made me openly weep, and rendered me speechless. For an MMO, this game is a masterpiece.


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