Final Fantasy 14 has redesigned an icon to prevent triggering trypophobia

Final Fantasy 14 has redesigned an icon to prevent triggering trypophobia.
Final Fantasy 14 is redesigning the logo of the new job sage after fans reported feeling “uncomfortable or fearful” when viewing it.
Final Fantasy 14’s producer and director Naoki Yoshida explained why the team decided to make the change via an official statement posted on the game’s official website .
It explains that the original icon triggered some players’ trypophobia – an irrational fear of holes.
Like many phobias, its severity differs from person to person, but it can be acutely distressing for some with severe reactions.
“When we released new details for sage and reaper on the special site, we also included their icons, not thinking that they were particularly big reveals,” Yoshida says.
“However, we soon received feedback from players all over the world, who told us that the sage icon made them uncomfortable or fearful.
“This aversion is known as trypophobia, and those who have it feel disgust and fear when they see clusters of small holes or bumps,” Yoshida explained (thanks, PC Gamer ).


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