Pictomancer Made EASY! Pictomancer Guide! [FFXIV 7.0 Dawntrail]

Pictomancer explained simply and clearly. No tooltip nonsense no frills just clear explanations and practical advice for the new magical ranged DPS job Pictomancer . Pictomancer guide for the brand new Pictomancer job added in FFXIV’s Dawntrail expansion!

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0:00 Pictomancer Guide
0:20: Basic Rotation
0:40 AOE Rotation
0:53 Pride Gauge
2:05 Mobility Ability
2:25 Party Utility
2:50 Canvas abilities
4:43 Boom hammer time
5:03 Starry Muse our 2 minute cooldown
6:30 Pictomancer Mobility notes


22 thoughts on “Pictomancer Made EASY! Pictomancer Guide! [FFXIV 7.0 Dawntrail]”

  1. I'm only Lvl89, but PCT buttons really LOOK more daunting than it actually is.

    It follows the standard "Keep abilities on CD" strategy, so even if you are in battle, taking a few seconds to paint is WELL worth it for the damage (Mog of Ages is 1300 potency!). I found Quickcast nice for "Oh crap, Mog of Ages is about to go off CD and I don't have the Motif up", since Living Muse and Mog of Ages are both oGCD. That's just a skill issue though, I need to watch the CDs and plan better. Popping Holy/Comet before an oGCD is also nice, but also standard rotation stuff. Obv you don't wanna cap on it though. Otherwise, do RGB/CYM stuff.

    Of course, when other skills get mixed into it that may screw up my rotation a bit, but we'll figure that out when we get there.

    Overall, I've found PCT to be a LOT of fun. Definitely going to be playing it a bunch, especially through Dawntrail.

    Also, I'm definitely calling it the Pride Gauge from now on.

  2. Playing with Picto at first, I couldn't really figure out how to structure the rotation at first relative to how other jobs are played…

    But then I finally managed to simplify it after getting used to the long cast times.
    The "Moogle buttons" are oGCD charges that hit hard – so keep it from capping, and try to otherwise save it for raid buffs.
    The "Hammer button" is your odd-minute burst. Use it on cooldown.
    The "shooting stars" button is obviously your 2-minute. Use it on cooldown, line up with party/raid buffs.
    All 3 buttons come with the caveat of needing to be prepared in advance by "painting" – don't wait to get the canvas painted or else your cooldowns drift. So "painting" is as much filler as your basic 1-2-3. You don't ever want to realize "Oh crap I need to paint the canvas" during the raid buff window.

    White Paint shouldn't be spammed, but it also hits for less than the CMYK buttons. Save it for when movement is needed or when you're about to overcap, but otherwise save it for turning into Black Paint (to use during raid buffs)
    CMYK combo (Anybody else notice the Y and M are BACKWARDS in the combo?!) shouldn't be spammed, but you also don't want to cap it. Only use it if it's about to cap or you're in raid buff window.

  3. Holy in White is a separate button from Comet in Black because Holy is meant to be used for "OH SHIT I NEED TO DODGE THAT MECHANIC" and you want to keep your GCDs rolling.

  4. The skills are quite easy to grasp.
    -single combo, multi combo
    -RGB bar + single combo/multi combo
    -holy holy holy holy holy if you are dodging mechanic, I never realized there's comet. need to check it out
    -prep drawing > activate > activate 2.

    I think the prob will be "when" to do prep drawing.
    -in dungeon, can do it in between mobs.
    -for bosses, before pull, and when down time.
    -the recast time is like 4seconds. you can swiftcast it but still 4 seconds before you can cast other thing. probably can use it to swiftcast, have 4 seconds to do mechanics. and activate the painting.

    But yeah, it'll be even better when you know the boss' timing.

  5. During combat when theres a boss and a phase change isnt comming up the the weapon or monster paints are comming off cooldown, when is it optimal to repaint pictures? Whens a good filler time rather cause im struggling with that info.

  6. I hate both new jobs. Viper has boring skills that all look the same and pictomancer is WAY WAAAAAAAAAAY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too complicated. I give up on ever getting a simple caster and just have to give up on ever playing a magic dps in ff14 other than BLM for magdps quests. Bring on the next ranged phy dps already.

  7. Don't let the negativity get you down man, Your videos are always great, There is some chud grifter saying dawntrail is bad cause of wuk's VA and it's causin peeps to get really mad and political for dumb reasons, Your jokes are fine and i hope life treats you well!

  8. I really like the 3 actions 1 button setup. One of my biggest complaints about FFXIV is the huge number of buttons. I swear that SE is generating crypto somewhere based on the number of buttons clicked!


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