If you’ve been hiding under a rock the past few weeks, you probably didn’t notice THOUSANDS of people escaping to FF14! The servers are maxing out, and there’s a wait to log in! Game Producer Yoshi-P came out recently and offered his apology and how they are trying to make room for all the new players! Let’s talk about it!
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#SWTOR #FFXIV #BoomyNation
Yes! More Final Fantasy I’m very interested in this game so thank you for covering it. Happy for the games success! A successful game is always good and this shows the power of streamers and word of mouth.
On a SWTOR note: Jackie said that they are targeting a high level look at the sentinel for next week!
You can just say Yoshi-P, and people will know who you are talking about if you are worried about butchering his name.
Everyone miscalculated thinking WoW Killer will be some MMO but infact it was all along its ur boi Asmongold hahaha really did some trojan horse shit to Blizzard and left them in the dust.
I've had queues in SWTOR twice so far – once on Open BETA start, the first two days where a nightmare and on the game going F2P, but only on the first day.
Yep swtor needs a balding asmongold and some high populated streamers
Woot!! FFX14 adventure has begun!! yes!!!!! Once you finish the 1st quest of the game which is finding a open server then its all fun!
I appreciate the thought of cutting down lalafel population by neutering than wookies. What server did you end up on? Still looking for people to actively play with on Siren
Man, I feel like the only one who can't afford to buy Final fantasy games, partly because I'm a cheapskate 😭