(OLD) How to Catch Dafangshi in FFXIV (as of patch 5.55)

Used in the Lv 68 FSH job quest “There’s Always A Bigger Fish” Dafangshi is your first dive into swimming shadows, an intuition-like mechanic for Spearfishing in FFXIV. It’s also kind of confusing for folks to find, so here’s a guide to help!

0:00 Introduction, Swimming Shadows Trigger, What to know ahead of time
0:15 Catching x7 Ichthyosaur
1:25 Spawning the swimming shadows for Dafangshi
1:35 Catching Dafangshi

Location: Yanxia
Fishing Area: The Sunken Junk
Gig Size: Any
Swimming Shadows: x7 Ichthyosaurs

To complete this quest, you’ll first need to trigger the swimming shadows in the Sunken Junk. To do this, catch x7 Ichthyosaur. Ichthyosaur are caught at the three Teeming Water in the Sunken Junk with a Large Gig head. You can use Veteran Trade to remove a fish from the possible pool that you can catch, and increase your chances of getting a Ichthyosaur. Use Shark Eye to find the other Teeming Waters and continue to fish in them until you get the x7 Ichthyosaur, and the swimming shadows appears. You’ll see the swimming shadows on your mini map with an arrow in the direction of where it is.

At the swimming shadows, you can use any gig head size, and spearfish from it normally like you would any other spearfishing node. If you happen to be Lv69 and have Nature’s Bounty, use that to increase the chances of getting the HQ Dafangshi you need for the quest.

A tip for spear fishing! Drop markers at the rough locations of all the nodes to help you find where they are and not have to use Shark Eye all the time!

Goodluck, and happy spearfishing!

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