Final Fantasy 14 Fan Reacts to World of Warcraft The War Within Cinematic

I know literally nothing about World of Warcraft, but after watching these, consider the game INSTALLED.
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For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you
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KingdomAce,world of warcraft,non warcraft fan reacts to world of warcraft all cinematics,world of warcraft reaction,world of warcraft cinematic,world of warcraft cinematic trailer,world of warcraft the war within,world of warcraft wrath of the lich king,world of warcraft wrath of the lich king reaction,world of warcraft classic,world of warcraft dragonflight,world of warcraft dragonflight reaction,world of warcraft server status,wow shadowlands,wow cinematics reaction, the war within, wow the war within, world of warcraft the war within, world of warcraft the war within reaction, kingdomace world of warcraft


44 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 Fan Reacts to World of Warcraft The War Within Cinematic”

  1. Coming from a WoW fan who’s played FFXIV, I know how central and important the storyline is to a player like you so I highly recommend watching a general explanation or multiple WoW lore videos just to get a gist of important factors like the gods (titans) and what not so the story going forward makes sense to you, and then just hop right in! The story is very well told throughout the levelling experience and its very forgiving to new players so don’t worry about not understanding there’s hours and days and weeks worth of WoW content to follow up on and catch up on, welcome to Azeroth!

  2. Highly recommend the Warbringers, Harbingers and Lords of War cinematics, they are top notch! And as you liked our panda Chen Stormstout, maybe look up the mini-series about emperor Shao Shao!

  3. Hello fellow adventurer. There is so much more to see.
    I have been playing Warcraft for a very long time. It was one of the four "lifetime" game series for me. If you are looking for some input I would happily help you. I cannot be totally unbiased, but I can do my best to be honest.
    There are many great things about this game and despite its flaws I still play. My love of the lore, despite the revamps etc. is just one reason I play. I have had many ups and downs in WoW. There is just too much to write here.
    My best suggestion is to play how you want to play if you decide to play and don't rush. As the Pandarians say, "Slow Down." There is also a lot of "fan art" in all its forms to see, including music parodies and fan made machinima. Cheers! Besheke

  4. To give context. Thrall is the most powerful shaman and was leader for the hore from the begining. Is not brother with Sourfang. He left the horde to leave in peace since he did too much and want to res his child.

  5. One person already mentioned the videos that would give context for the huge sword, but if you check out a bunch of cinematics for Shadowlands, especially the final raid cinematics, they'll give you some context for what happened to Anduin as well.

  6. here is the remaining cinematics that werent in the compilation; i will be saving some back in case you want to play and experience them in game. (Pin this comment for ease of access later)

    Zul'Gurub Trailer (First New Raid of Vanilla after 1.7 released.)

    Ahn'Qiraj Trailer (a Vanilla Raid that came with a special World Event, where a few players could be crowned the Scarab Lord.)

    Naxxramas Trailer (Final Vanilla Raid, eventually moved to Wrath of the Lich King)

    Black Temple Trailer (TBC Raid featuring a major player from Warcraft 3)

    Sunwell Plateau Trailer (TBC Raid and Questing Zone)

    The Gods of Zul'aman Trailer (dont remember if it was a Raid or Dungeon)

    Argent Tournament Trailer (A Knight's Tale in WoW, plus a Wrath Raid)

    Secrets of Ulduar Trailer (Wrath Raid)

    Wrathgate Cinematic (first in-game cinematic aside from the patch/expansion trailers)

    Fall of the Lich King Trailer (Final Wrath Raid)

    Rise of the Zandalari Trailer (Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman Remakes for Cataclysm)

    Rage of the Firelands Trailer (Cataclysm Raid + Campaign)

    The Seven Burdens of Shaohao (MoP Hype Trailer Series)

    The Thunder King Trailer (Pandaria Raid + Campaign Zone)

    Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer (Final Pandaria Raid)

    Lords of War (Hype Trailer Series for Warlords)

    Patch 6.1 Trailer (Warlords major patch with a Story Cinematic.)

    Fury of Hellfire Trailer (Final Warlords Raid)

    Harbingers – Illidan (First of Three Hype Trailers for Legion)

    Harbingers – Khadgar (Second Hype Trailer)

    Harbingers – Gul'dan (Last Hype Trailer)

    Broken Shore Cinematic (Horde Side – Full Story)

    Return To Karazhan Trailer (Vanilla Raid remade for Legion)

    Tomb of Sargeras Trailer (Legion Raid)

    Shadows of Argus Trailer (Legion World Zone + Final Raid)

    Final Legion Cinematic (How The Sword You Saw Got There)

    Warbringers – Azshara (You saw the first BFA Hype Trailer, here's the rest of them)

    Warbringers – Jaina (Last Hype Trailer of BFA)

    Terror of Darkshore (Patch 8.1 Trailer)

    Visions of N'Zoth (Patch 8.2 Trailer)

    Afterlives – Bastion (First of Four Shadowlands Hype Trailers)

    Afterlives – Maldraxxus (Second Hype Trailer)

    Afterlives – Ardenweald (Third Hype Trailer)

    Afterlives – Revendreth (Final Hype Trailer)

    Beyond The Veil (Shadowlands Launch Trailer)

    Take To The Skies (Dragonflight Launch Cinematic)

    any other cinematics, you'll have to find them yourself. 😉 enjoy!

  7. Yo bro, idk if you ever do podcast/call-in formats, but it'd be hella cool to have a lore session with you where some lore buffs can explain the overarching narrative with you and maybe show you fitting cinematics/lore media. Keep up the vids, you're really entertaining to watch. I love how, compared to a lot of people who watch wow cinematics without playing the game you are mad perceptive and noticed a lot of small meaningful details!

  8. Anduin was Dominated by the Jailer, his actions were controlled, but he could see and was fully conscious of everything. At the end of ShadowLands he lamented that while he was being Dominated, the power he felt and the actions he did gave him a "thrill", and was terrified of potentially liking the power and the things he did.

  9. An important thing to know is that in the ending of Shadowlands, after he was freed from the Jailer's domination, Anduin met with Sylvanas to talk about how he was struggling – and he mentioned that he felt exhiliration while the Jailer controlled him, while he hurt his friends and allies. So he's struggling with not knowing if he enjoyed hurting them or if it was the Jailer making him feel that way. He went through a lot in the Shadowlands, I would suggest the cinematics "Shadowlands: Chains of Domination – “Kingsmourne”" and then "Anduin Finale Cinematic | Shadowlands Patch 9.2 Eternity's End" to see more about what he went through :).

  10. Hey dude, I just found you through the cinematic videos. Definitely watch the ones that popfloydplays recommended in the top comment. If you want someone to play with you and take you through the game and recent lore, I'm a lore junkie that could fill in gaps. So if you want someone guide-ish, feel free to hit me up. (reply to this or something, idk)

  11. When you first make a WoW account (these days) I recommend buying the current expansion (the war within, NOT dragonflight) because it'll give you a free month of game time. The game will have you start in BfA (the cinematic where Anduin did the big light thing on the battlefield to resurrect his soldiers) and you can follow the story from there.

    You can always go back and do the quest lines/campaigns of the other expansions before it. If you pick Alliance, go to Stormwind and find Chromie (gnome sitting on a large hourglass) and ask her to change your timeline. This option isn't available to new players right away, but you will eventually be allowed to do it.

  12. When you first make a WoW account (these days) I recommend buying the current expansion (the war within, NOT dragonflight) because it'll give you a free month of game time. The game will have you start in BfA (the cinematic where Anduin did the big light thing on the battlefield to resurrect his soldiers) and you can follow the story from there.

    You can always go back and do the quest lines/campaigns of the other expansions before it. If you pick Alliance, go to Stormwind and find Chromie (gnome sitting on a large hourglass) and ask her to change your timeline. This option isn't available to new players right away, but you will eventually be allowed to do it.

  13. Varok and Go'el (Thrall) are not actual brothers but they been sword brothers for decades before Varoks death. Some messed up context Thrall is Go'els slave name since he used to be a gladiator slave in orc concentration camp back in the days.

  14. Honestly, depending how much time you have then if you play the game I recommend levelling like this; Exile’s Reach (the new player starting area), and then choose The Burning Crusade to level in from a character called Chromie in the main faction hub city (Stormwind for Alliance, Orgrimmar for Horde). I’m not sure though if the game will allow you to do that on your first character, as it tends to place you straight into Battle for Azeroth content.

    Basically, the best way to absorb the story is to level through The Burning Crusade, then Wrath of the Lich King, then Cataclysm, then Mists of Pandaria, etc. (basically the expansions in release order) all the way up to playing the latest expansion; Dragonflight.

    Unfortunately, the whole “old world” of Azeroth (Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingsoms) was revamped in the Cataclysm expansion, so you can no longer access what OGs refer to as “Vanilla” WoW (the game before any expansions were released) unless you play a version of the game called WoW Classic.

    It may be worth starting with WoW Classic is you want the most authentic experience, but honestly it might seem jarring to a lot of modern gamers as the way the game was designed back then makes the whole experience that much more of a grind.

    If you were to decide to go the expansion-by-expansion route, a lot of new players don’t realise but there’s actually an option to turn of experience gains, so you could play through the rest of the story without worrying about out-levelling it. I wish WoW would retroactively apply the “Campaign Quest” icon to older content so newer players know which ones to focus to proceed through the main story. It’s the biggest flaw of levelling through “Chromie Time” in my opinion, especially after being introduced to the concept in Exile’s Reach.

  15. There is more than 20 years of lore to this game. Dragonflight is the best expansion in years. The Worldsoul Saga is tying together all of the various threads from the previous expansions. Their plan is to complete it in 3 expansions between now and like 2029-2030 or so.

  16. the orc is thrall – the original warchief of the horde at the start of wow , and one of the champions u play in warcraft 3 orc campaign
    Anduin felt more like a mockery of arthas , rather then a rehash of sylvanas to me if i'm being honest. But maybe you should look up arthas's story on youtube. It's probably one of the best villain story in wow.


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