Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker Review

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker reviewed on PC by Leif Johnson. Also available on PlayStation.

Endwalker delivers a powerful, emotional story with some bold choices, but it’s important to understand that you’ll get the most out of it if you’ve been with these characters from the beginning. And with roughly 50 hours of story piled on the hundreds in the expansions that came before it, its barrier to entry is now so high that, well, it almost reaches the moon.

But if you’ve been on that journey for a while now, this is an expansion well worth seeing to its end. Packed with meaningful story cutscenes and unforgettable new zones, Endwalker marks a satisfying conclusion to Final Fantasy XIV’s story as we’ve known it until now. While it doesn’t introduce many new gameplay elements, it does deliver two new excellent DPS and healing jobs that should appeal to both new and experienced players and some of the best boss battles we’ve seen in this decade-old game. If this is how Final Fantasy XIV’s showrunners end a story, then I’m more than ready to walk with them from the beginning to the end of the next one.

#IGN #FinalFantasyXIV


46 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker Review”

  1. 9 seems like a fair rating to me, its a great story and ending with some pacing issues. No clue why so many people are saying it should’ve been a 10. Some parts like the second visit to labyrinthos really dragged

  2. Compared to the POS that is shadowbringers it’s a 10/10. But without that benchmark it’s a solid 5, maybe 6 out of 10. Graphics are still outdated, game has so little content – it is very short, and small loot additions which a lot are just old gear with new stats. More of the same

  3. Great review but wondering what video card is being used for the recording. Even my PS5 version seems more detailed than the video captured in this review. Though it is a testament to the story that the reviewer loved this game as much with lower graphics settings not distracting them.

  4. Some easter egg back at arr crystal tower quest called "the light of hope" at the end of the quest the crystal tower seems sending olut morse code and back then people were confused what was that, guess after endwalker we know what was it lol. Its crazy how dev managed to tie something they made back at arr in endwalker.


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