Final Fantasy 14 Dancer Primer: Level 60 guide in detail

In this video, we take a look at the rotation of the Dancer as it looks when you initially unlock it. We look at the single target rotation and the AoE rotation. We also talk slightly in-depth about Closed Position and how it and its different buffs work in different situations.
Some time is also spent on looking ahead on some of the Endwalker changes including Flourishing Symmetry and Flourishing Flow.

If you find that some things are going a bit fast or a bit slow, I invite you to speed up, or slow down or even pause the video for your convenience.

For a more detailed explanation of how you can weave abilities between weaponskills, please refer to my guide on GCDs and more:

For a detailed explanation of how the Dancer’s Role Actions work, please refer to my guide on these aspects:

For information regarding movement and movement abilities like En Avant, refer to my guide on those aspects:

Music used:
Neath Dark Waters: An extended version of this song can be found here: , but be aware that it may contain spoilers for Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers specifically.

00:00 Closed Position
00:36 Standard Step and Finish
01:55 Closed Position with Multiple Dancers
02:21 Single Target Weaponskills
03:00 Fourfold Feathers and Fan Dance
03:45 Area of Effect Weaponskills
04:34 Flourishing Symmetry and Flow
04:48 Note on AoE Weaponskills in Endwalker
05:00 Dancer specific Defensive Cooldowns
05:44 Ranged Physical Positioning
06:00 Summary Opener
06:26 Summary Single Target
06:48 Summary AoE
07:12 Devilment
07:52 Fun Fact


11 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 Dancer Primer: Level 60 guide in detail”

  1. (6.1 Changes below!) Welcome to Endwalker! Here are any significant changes related to this particular guide:
    All of the changes mentioned in the video, including Flourishing Symmetry, Flourishing Flow, potency changes, and AoE options changing to match for Standard Step, have been implemented. Additionally, Shield Samba’s cooldown is reduced to 90 seconds.

    6.3 Changes:
    Curing Waltz can now be cast while performing Standard Step

    6.2 Changes:

    6.1 Changes:
    1) Flourishing Symmetry and Flourishing Flow granted by your weaponskills have been renamed to Silken Symmetry and Silken Flow. The original buffs are still in the game, and is granted by an ability learned later (Flourish!)
    2) Standard Step and its dance steps are considered Weaponskills now. This does not really affect you or anyone else for that matter at this level.

  2. Wow, it's amazing that it's so hard to find nice, clear, concise overviews of jobs like this. Thank you so much! I hope you are planning on releasing one for higher levels too, so people can plan hotbars accordingly


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