Final Fantasy 14 Changed Me – Best of Xeno Compilation

This is a compilation of some of the best and funniest clips from Xeno’s stream over the last couple of months. Final Fantasy 14 changed Xeno, from a hardcore raider he now started playing the MSQ, making glamours and decorating his house. Also ERP … WHAT? If you’ve been enjoying Xeno’s streams and Youtube content hit the like button and let us know in the comments what was your favorite Xeno moment! Thank you for watching! widepeepoHappy

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Thank you for watching! Don’t forget to subscribe to Xeno’s YouTube Channel so you can stay up to date with the best Xeno Highlights, Xeno Reacts, Xeno Guides and the funniest Xeno moments from Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) and other games played on stream!

#Xeno #FFXIV #compilation

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen

Background music by Sirius Beat

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49 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 Changed Me – Best of Xeno Compilation”

  1. I’m kind of the opposite. I’ve been watching anime since I was 8. On the surface level you have all the cutesy stuff, but if you go in deep, it gets darker and more violent. Weebs are like entry level anime fans. They are social drinkers. You don’t get that type of behavior from the anime alcoholics.

  2. A year ago i would skip past Xeno’s clips in montages bcuz his anger and fervor for the extreme and savage content didn’t really mesh with me, but seeing that same fervor in the RP, the minigames, the Housing (Ultimate), and just his enjoyment seemingly skyrocket in all aspects of the game.. it feels great to be a part of his community after being so nervous to interact before. ❤️

  3. Just started watching Xeemo this year though I have been playing this game for awhile. Xeem’s word can be harsh sometimes but you tell the truth and I respect your insights for the game. Really appreciate it. And Your guides help me through with some trickier mechanics and I tank a little better than I last did, though I am not playing the manliest tank. Lol. Anyway keep it up I hope you can shed more light on your tanking or job skills if there are any other extra stuff you think it’s good to share here. 👍

  4. Not going to lie, the Character development Xeno went through over the years is really a pleasant one. He still is the Competitive Raider but has a bunch of other things in his arsenal now. Even someone like me, who has stopped playing almost two years ago, does enjoy the content more than ever.
    Also, that bloody bell cracks me up all the time i hear him ring it xD

  5. Since being an OG player during HW I used to watch this cool, loud edgelord guy and his Drk / War POVS of Alex Creator clears while progging (8-man A12S man mode was hilarious), never would I have imagined Xeem's evolution going this way, until we all grew up? I guess one does mellow out as you go, you only live once… do all the things that'll keep you happy, rite

    And yea, I agree with y'all, top notch character development. Keep up the content Xeems, much love

  6. Xeno going from hardcore madge raider to cute strummer goes to show he's entertaining and his fun personality shines no matter what he does. New glam, same Xeems!

  7. Yea. it changed me too. it helped me see how disgusting and depraved these last 2 generations are. Im not talking about random comments online. these people act this way with their main characters of several years online all day and night.

    word of advice, if you think youre even 1% normal, play this game alone for what its worth (a few dozen hours) then move on and dont look back. dont fall into the trap of what these "creators" say. youll either grow bitter or become them.


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