7.0 Job Predictions!? | FFXIV

7.0 is coming out soon “ish” (probably in 1 year by now…) and the Fanfest is coming: meaning we can speculate on the upcoming classes!

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FINAL FANTASY XIV: Fluid Aura shenanigans by Lindsay Childs

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37 thoughts on “7.0 Job Predictions!? | FFXIV”

  1. I've seen rumors of a new limited job, like blue mage, but different, but I don't know, it's probably just speculation. I understand that there should be a new caster dps, so maybe it's a geomancer???? I just know that if their weapon is a bell, rest assured that you will hear from me XD

  2. Indeed white mage seems a lot like Geomancer, but the more you level the further you get to nature at the point I totally forgot you use those 3 elements. Maybe the Geomancer approach could be more like a druid or some kind of plant-manipulation DPS class kinda like BLM but with Earth, wind and water instead of fire, lightning and ice.
    I also wish they make necromancer a class, maybe like summoner with corpses as pets or like machinist as projectiles and gadgets you can use.

  3. So people are predicting next expansion is gonna be another two dps one.
    We have 3 phys ranged and 3 non limited casters as the role types with the least jobs, but also need another melee to share ninja gearsets. An if I only had to pic one for each-

    Beast tamer is heavily involved in bozja so its real likely. Could be a whip as a melee (oh god) and it would prolly fit the scouting gear aesthetic.
    Corsair smashing enemies with a big ol phys ranged cannon and lady luck would be sick- we Need some pirate rep.
    Lastly I Really want Pictomancer as a caster even if its a crackshot, it could totally originate in alchemical Radz-at-Han and like the idea of painting monsters that launch at enemies is really fun to me.

  4. Sage (aside from the name) and Reaper were basically completely original to FFXIV.
    There are many guesses out there from Rune Fencer, Geomancer, Chronomancer and even Blitzball that are references to other games but honestly, the devs will probably come up with something that is either a unique concept, uses a unique weapon or has unique lore.
    I'm personally hoping for something like Nero's magitech hammer. But after the new Hildibrand quests, I'm warming up to the Blitzball idea.

  5. Now, i have a theory for what the 7.0 jobs are going to be. We currently have 4 tanks, 4 healers, 5 melees, 3 ranged phys, and 3 non limited casters. So i believe we will be getting two more dps, either a caster and a ranged phys, or a caster and a melee that shares scouting gear with ninja/rogue

  6. I think there's a decent chance for a tank using a hammer like three characters already: Nero, Grynwaht (a minor StB antagonist) and Gaïa. No idea what the name would be…

  7. Pretty sure they mentioned it would be nothing like what we have. Thus predicting the class based on what we already have will already be wrong. It is likely to be completly new like reaper. Necromancer is very unlikely when reaper somewhat fits that niche and the idea of summoning pets and stuff is done by summoner. It is more likely to be a class that brings in a whole new asthetic that people can jump on.

  8. we have more than enough jobs already. the graphic overhaul needs to be the prime directive. we cant go on like this for another 10 years. seriously, theres parts in the game that literally have ps1 era texture resolution.im not expecting much. it just needs a fresh coat. weed out all the "ugly". and do something about the color pallet. its like everything in the game is just one shade in the wrong direction away from looking good. sad tho that we all have to be held back by last gen peasants. seriously, the ps4 was 10 years ago. get with the program or step off. if you can afford to pay for internet monthly, pay the monthly sub and pay for the game then im sure you can afford to upgrade to a 2nd hand ps5 or a used 300 dollar pc. and this is coming from a broke dude. ps4 should be cut off in 7.0 (set them loose or better yet motivate them to upgrade their hardware. its about damn time too)

  9. Little Spoilers for the new Patch

    In the new Variant Dungeon Story they introduced a side character as an Onmyoji that uses Caster gear but has no weapons (and he doesnt fight anywhere). Onmyojis existed as long as Geomancies in the lore, if I remember correctly and with Geomancy basically being white magic, I think Onmyoji is currently way more likely.
    They could literally patch him his weapons on if Onmyoji will be a 7.0 Job.
    Onmyoji focus on sealing away demons and yokai and that could be a very nifty idea for a caster job that works on stances. Basically you switch between yokai stances, inherit the yokai and augment your spells with them.

  10. yoshi P said necromancer was evilish, so he decided to bring reaper instead, they can make voidmancer instead which have similarirites with a necromancer, just instead of bringing the death which is pretty evil act as yoshi p said, brings voidsents from a rift, similar to reaper, but instead of summoning 1 voidsent, summons hordes from weak voidsents to small quantitys or 1 huge voidsent as finisher, and it would make a lot of sense since we manage to discover ways to open a rift to the void and how it works with aether and all that sht.

  11. I am pretty sure Yoshi P is on record for stating they want to implement a new Job that hasn't been in any previous FF. They better really surprise us then and not pull something like "You use Aether to form Bodies that rise up and attack with Claws and Bites. So it's not really Necromancer but yeah it is"

  12. I could see geomancer being a DPS evolution from conjurer, focusing in the damage aspect of the white affinity elements (water, earth and air). It could even share exp with white mage just like SCH and SUM 😊

  13. Necromancer is a huge possibility. I'm kinda hoping we get a class that uses dragon abilities or a druid class based on where we're going next. Rune Knight/Rune Fencer could be fun as well

  14. I'm hoping for something like Exorcist, Geomancer or Psychic(although I think that would be a cool tank job) to come in as a DoT based caster, or something like a Blitzball ranged or scouting job that could also be the option for a DoT focused job(especially if they actually do bring Blitzball to the Gold Saucer). All I know is, I'm hoping for a DoT job if nothing else, playing Blue Mage with loads of DoT options is fun. If not that, I just hope whatever we get plays very differently from the rest in the same role. Like how BLM sticks out from the rest of the jobs, I hope we get at least 1 new job that does that as well.

  15. Yoshi P has stated that necromancer won't be a class, sad i know as i love the playing necromancers in games. My guess is Geomancer as a support caster aka magic dancer. And a ranged phys using maybe a sling, crossbow or javelins, and it will use scouting gear.

  16. There have been some in game hints at Puppet master revolving around the guy who made the training dolls for the village of the reapers. Dude disappeared in search of creating the perfect doll, essentially. Considering the empire used the reapers as elite warriors and the empires march across the continent hadn't been going on that long it's entirely possible the guy is still alive and could teach us how to use his dolls.

    Personally I just want a pet job to replace the one we just lost. Summoner was my main and I just can't click with this new iteration.

  17. I've been hoping for a new limited class for Beastmaster ever since we encountered Beastmasters in Bozja; basically like Blue Mage, but a pet class. I think it'd be so fun to run around taming monsters around Eorzea and beyond…

    Plus, I thought I remember YoshiP saying something like it would be very hard for them to bring in new classes/jobs (although maybe I'm thinking races). But they wouldn't need to worry about balancing limited classes, and they could still bring in something new. fingers crossed!

  18. Im so torn, on what I think it'll be. My gut says something that SHARES gear with a NIN but my heart wants Geomancer cause well Magical DPS is lacking a class. ( a magical class sharing gear with NIN nah)

  19. And still… We saw some ball movements in the current Add-On and Squall's fighting style became its own class… So I would scream for excitement if they turned Wakka's Blitzball style into it's own class too.

    It's a shame we already have the Astrologian in FF14, since I would also love some sort of Gambler-styled job. Nevertheless, I'm convinced that the newest jobs will be something completely new to the franchise, since they wanted to come up with original content starting with 7.0.

  20. Geomancer is the safest bet. I'd love for it to be a caster DPS that's more support focused – ally buffs/healing/shields, enemy debuffs/CC, etc. Plus, as a caster DPS, then you could run both Geo and Astro in the same group, and they could even add in some bonus synergy between them when you do since they're meant to "complement each other, like yin and yang"
    As much as I'd love to see Necromancer or Beastmaster jobs, I know FFXIV has awful pet AI (that's the reason they reworked Summoner), so even though I'd love WoW DemoLock or Hunter style jobs, they aren't going to happen.
    An Agility Whip user that shares armor with Ninja would be really cool though. Could even have them have longer melee reach than other melee jobs. (longer than normal melee, but not ranged physical range long; for example, if normal melee are 5m range and ranged physical is 30m, then Whips would have like 10m or 15m)


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