Final Fantasy 14 – A Realm Reborn – Sastasha – Dungeon Guide

Final Fantasy 14 – A Realm Reborn – Sastasha – Dungeon Guide
#ff14 ##FF14 #sastasha #Sastasha #beginnersguide #Endwalker #arealmreborn #ARR

Walkthrough ‘How to’ Guide for Sastasha in A Realm Reborn

Bosses Include:
Captain Madison
Denn the Orcatoothed


3 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 – A Realm Reborn – Sastasha – Dungeon Guide”

  1. I remember back when I was a new player…. nah I'm just kidding I still am in the grand scheme of things. Nontheless, I was so crazy nervous about doing this dungeon as a tank for the first time, but I went ahead and tried and now I've tanked everything until the second part of Heavensward multiple times mainly thanks to your videos, you're like my go to. These will be hugely appreciated for the new tanks

  2. I'm a newish player and about to do this dungeon as a tank for the first time. First time tanking ANY dungeon in any game! Somehow, FFXIV and your videos are making me feel I can do this. I'll return afterwards and let you know how it goes. (As a healer, I've been through this a fair number of times, but I had no idea about a lot of it since I just stare at the player bars. You cleared up a great deal.)


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