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Hey guys, how’s it going? Chris Connor here and welcome to another episode of filmmaker reacts for my channel. Seat back, relax and lets study the filmmaking techniques as well as talk about what visual effects can be pulled of within after effects! This week we are reacting and taking a look at FF XIV ENDWALKER cinematic trailer!

In part 1 I react to the final fantasy endwalker cinematic video and in part 2 we dive in to have a trailer analysis! Make sure to let me know which trailer you would like me to react next!

Let me know which effects you would like to see in a CREATRIX After Effects Tutorial! Enjoy!

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#FinalFantasy #Filmmaker #Reaction



  1. Of course it isn't the last one! Every legit final fantasy fan is holding out for the introduction of the "onion knight" when the lvl100 cap hits. Maybe even another lvl100 job in the form of "mime"

    For anyone who isn't savvy with FF jobs prior to FF14, the onion knight can literally use every skill in said game. Mimes, imitate the last command done prior to them whilst NOT consuming MP. And i mean, any move. Cast flare, mime casts flare… EVEN with an active triple cast if i recall proper. 😁

    The job system was really done a great service in FF5, 1&3 started it, but 5 NAILED IT!! Then you didn't see it again until xi, xii, and xiv. 😑

  2. I'd love to see you react to "Will of the Herrscher" It's the first of several incredibly well made and amazing animated short videos for the game Honkai Impact 3rd.

  3. Its NOT the FINAL expansion BUT its the LAST expansion that TELLS THE STORY/CONCLUDES the storyline/story arc from ARR,Havens,Blood,Shadow,…..THe ENdwalker Expansion is ment to be the CLOSING of the story arc nad briging stuff to a conclusion.THe next expansion whenever that will be released will satrt from scratch aka will start from brand new story and will be something different from the previous story that we followed in previous 5 expansions.

  4. This is by far my favourite ffxiv Cinematic Trailer! I love the overall scenes, I love the implementation of the world, the music!! And yes, that is all BECAUSE of context!
    It is a trailer not made for selling newcomers in, it's a trailer just for the fans, for us.
    I noticed when watching your analysis, that a lot of the scenes are tailored with the idea of "fans are watching this" for exsample the scene at the beginning with the close up: the close up is not only there to reveal the face, but also to wind up the camera to reveal some parts of the armor. In every expansion we get one poster class to respresent the expansion. In Shadowbringers it was Dark Knight. Now it is Paladin. And that is a FFIV Reference. And we expected that beforehand, but we didn't knew that. So they made the face reveal of the Warrior of Light in combination with the camera wind-up to give us hints for a Paladin Armor. And they revealed that in the next scene. Little Bonus: In the camera wind-up you can also see some cloth there. A lot of players, when they were watching that scene blind, guessed that the person is an Ascian (they are sort of the villains in ffxiv). That also ties very well into the question of "What will it be? Warrior of Light Paladin or an Ascian?" That was sort of the lingering question a player with context has in that scene (or at least I had that lol).
    And the whole trailer is made up of this. Especially the music! The track is basically a rocky, metal-y remix of all the Expansion Themes that came before, to truely give you that feeling of "Yo, the Finale is beginning now!"
    This is really like the Avengers Endgame for us and I cannot wait for it!

  5. I remember you saying it before, but I suggest you react to a titanfall cinematic. There aren't a lot, but they are amazing, really well done, and capture many parts of the game. Titanfall 2 is amazing overall, but the cinematics are great too, which is part of why i was so hyped up for titanfall 2. Sucks that the servers are pretty much down now though thanks to a hacker.

  6. This was certainly the weakest. I played a good chunk of the game and I still felt unimpressed. I also feel like they made the girl twin dirty. She's always had fire in her heart, but there isn't a rude bone in her body. She's quicker to using violence and subterfuge as an answer to conflict than her brother is, but that's due to her beliefs, not because she's irrational and emotional. Unless she's changed since my character last interacted with her I don't feel like her depiction here was accurate. The girl I remember would have thanked her brother and the Warrior of Light and then taken charge of the counter attack.

  7. NGL, not my favourite out of all of the trailers. It did get me hyped up because of the content reference and hints of what's to come, but the surge of excitement/anticipation and involuntary frisson and the urges to shed tears weren't present.

  8. yes they are brother and sister, twins to be exact that's why they look alike. And the scene with the summoning you meant was probably FF9 when the big tree with the city cleyra on top was destroyed. And the song is really melodramatic which fits the point of the story where the world(s) are at stake imho.

  9. Please react to Senna: shadow's embrace because that would explain another animation you watched before a little bit closer

    Edit: And there is another one of that sort and maybe even more coming in the future because theres an lol event going on. It has to do about the shadows

  10. Just, FYI – Endwalker is NOT the final expansion. They already have plans for 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0 for Final Fantasy XIV. This MMO is not over any time soon.

  11. If you still have not played FFXIV. Do know that it's a story driven RPG first and a MMO second. While ARR can be a bit slow at times. The story is still great and every expansion since then only drove the story telling to a higher level. If you like FF for their stories, you owe it to yourself to experience FFXIV. We're going to the Moon!

  12. I do think some of your criticism holds weight. 

    Yes, you won't get the full emotional experience because you don't know the story and characters, but I have played through the story and I also get an empty feeling from watching this trailer too—especially compared to Shadowbringers'.

    I agree with the jump-a-rounds, and the people staring gets to be a little too much.

    I think this trailer's strongest point, besides the graphics, is the music that intertwines the earlier expansions' motifs in it.

  13. Yeah, I can understand how this trailer can be very confusing for those who haven't played FF14. One of the big differences to (most) MMORPGs is that when an expansion arrives, it's usually a new story, a new arc. In FF14's case, it's multiple expansions in one arc and Endwalker is the final chapter of that arc. Everything peaks. With that knowledge, when this trailer came out, everyone who's played the game instantly got hyped up. So yeah, this is one of those trailers that unfortunately can be confusing as it's mandatory to know the full story in order to understand it. Also… did you actually already react or see Heavensward expansion?

  14. Your criticism/negative for the trailer essentially being "hard to follow if you haven't played the games" makes no sense; who reads the seventh Harry Potter book before the others and then complains they don't understand everything? Maybe research the things you're going to react to (or play the games), so you can substantially provide your viewers with material and meaningful videos.


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