FFXIV's Future More MMO Like or More Single Player?

In the latest Q&A with Yoshi-P he talks about MMO features in Final Fantasy XIV and this has me excited for the next Live Letter and Yoshi-P’s 10-year plan.
Stand-up comedy vlog: https://youtu.be/8_RpNUDBmpY
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/sqtp3b/fanfest_qa_with_yoshida_and_battle_designer/
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16 thoughts on “FFXIV's Future More MMO Like or More Single Player?”

  1. Bro we’ve been waiting for something “big” for 11 for too long. They just added more grind recently to 11 . They shut down the mobile version. They just added a huge money wall for inventory. Charging 12 additional dollars for the new storage. 2x the price for 1 account

  2. Hoping for more multi-player focus, unsubbed from FFXIV for the time being cause it feels more like a single player game with a chat box. (Nothing wrong with that, it's just that I heavily prefer the 'Multi-player' in a MMO personally.)

  3. I really haven't an idea where XIV is going, at all, so I think for the most part I'm just eager to see how the game can "change" while keeping with what players expect it to do (I mean the basic scheduling). Content-wise, I'd like more zones with Bozja mechanics, meaning places where the player has access to tools that allow them to transcend their job in utility/flexibility. I don't agree that, say, CEs can simply be carried over into the regular maps, because they'd be missing a good chunk of what's cool about them, like standing in a big circle of bad and popping reflects. Of course, I'm expecting something like this for around 6.35 onward already, as EW relic weapon content.

    Well, it won't be long before we have an idea I guess x)

  4. I would really like to see the game move away from set piece environments. I'm especially sick of the dungeons and zones that were designed with only the story in mind. Once you clear the story and go back to these zones and dungeons it just becomes so blatantly obvious how much of a Potemkin Village they all are. I'd also like to see more interesting kits for tanks and healers, because right now they're pretty snooze fest once you know what you're doing.

    As for the MSQ, while the Hydaelyn and Zodiark arc may be finished, I don't think that narrative thread has reached its ultimate conclusion. We've seen how the people of Etheirys have gone through the Paradise and Paradise Lost stages of this story, but we haven't seen the Paradise Regained part of the narrative yet. Which if you're not familiar with that narrative archetype, Paradise Regained is very important to have in a Paradise Lost story. Cutting out Paradise Regained would be like cutting act three out of Hamlet. So I think there's a high chance that the narrative arc going forward is going to end up working towards this. Probably starting off with some minor adventuring around the source and gradually working up to a point where we have been to all of the shards, have mastered inter-shard travel, healed the 13th, and people come and go between shards at their leisure.

  5. i kinda wish eureka and bozja were just a gold saucer feature (from the start of the game). i know it seems like a super strange request, but i cant stand those alternate modes, and i feel like if my character is playing themselves in a different game, it would kinda click better for me. as it is now im just confused as to why there are so many different systems at play in the same world and ultimately it just turns me off to the whole idea… also travelling to random locations to enter them is annoying.

  6. Thank you!! I feel the same way about FFXIV , ffxiv 1.0 was base off ffxi and a imo the real mmorpg..

    But it failed because in 2010 wow was king and in order for FF franchise to be saved yoshi-p mentioned that FFXIV will be base off of wow which make sense since wow was benchmark and the most successful at the time

  7. FF14 currently is gearing up for the Solo content, seeing how we have just now have NPCs being able to follow us. Haha, now I'm thinking about how about we have our own Minions help us through 24-man raids.
    FF11 did its own solo thing with Trusts for a better QoL (which I think collecting them is fun).

    For the FF11 <-> FF14 connection: Back when 1.0 was about to be out, they did entertain the idea of connecting them together. It was just a name reserving thing or more. Maybe it's just a coincidence, I did find some of my FF11 friends' names tied to background NPCs with same race/hairstyles (just two though as far as I noticed).

  8. I hope they actually build the open world to be actually useful and engaging, even while leveling it's simply just for a visual background and useless, it's really sad because the world was built with care by the artists. FFXIV is essentially a Single player game with multiplayer elements (as you mentioned, like what WoW has become where it's a story driven theme park style), which is NOT a bad thing, it's nice for people like me who work so much that sometimes I just want to jump into the game, experience the story in small bits and progress however I like.

    XIV has this great theme and immersion into the world and lore, but really keeps players at arm reach of just "exploring" and experiencing the open world and monsters etc. It's still very possible to still tell a solid story while having an open world with dynamic events (fates are NOT dynamic open world events etc) that expand on the individual stories of the players as well as the region stories. A good example of how to do this would be Elder Scrolls Online, it's an open world, but each region has a story to tell, and it lets the players freely explore (and it encourages the players to wander and discover) and discover the quests.

    Edit: Unfortunately, with SE still using Old engine/technology, low res textures and what appears to be archaic base coding built into the engine and networking etc it'd require a LOT of work to do this in the current system.

  9. Neither. I think it's going to be more RPG but not less MMO. The MMO part will stay mostly the same. Which I'm perfectly fine with 🙂 Just my speculation as well

  10. FFXIV would really benefit if the story locking of progression was removed. I'd love to play the game if I wasn't locked into progressing story in order to progress my character. I know this is against what FFXIV originally is, however, the quantity and restriction tied to story is hindering it to a degree. Imagine if they were to take a different path and bring more open-ended content and maybe revisit the 1~90 progression to make it simpler (not easier) to progress.

  11. i am gunna hold my breath to be honest i am surprised i survived up to Endwalker and in all that time all they managed to achieve is to rinse and repeat the content formula of Heavensward and remove and cut content from the game.
    housing is still a disaster an will continue to be with the new lotto system, pvp is the weakest content despite people's request for more expansion of it, fashion system is heavily restricted, 8 man raids were nerfed to becoming single room "trials", the open world is now exactly just a theme park with set pieces there is nothing alive about it an nothing to interact with besides mindless quest, fate or hunt grinding.
    most of the content we got out of ffxiv was in ARR era where we even got several new jobs, golden saucer, hardmode dungeons, extreme trails, savage raids, 24 man raids, weddings, fates, hunts, pvp modes, housing system, an more if they focused their expansion like how hard they went on ARR then i'd have some hope that the future of this game will be good but as time as proven again and again "more of the same" is ok in their minds i am not optimistic that FFXIV will be anything more than a rpg that pretends its an mmo.

  12. I honestly like how they do the MSQ right now, where the story development are in cutscenes and mostly solo but the big epic fights are in group content with real players. I don't want them to change that. I think that's a great balance between FFXIV the JRPG and FFXIV the MMORPG.

    I don't want the game to be pushed farther towards solo though. I'm REALLY not a fan of those MMORPGs that make their group content completely optional. Players get level capped without talking to a single person because solo is the path of least resistance, and then they eventually quit because they have no community and are bored. And I'm worried that their hinted update to squadrons will bring the game exactly there.

    I just don't think it's good for an MMORPG if their new players are isolated from the community because they have 600 hours of solo content, and besides, those would-be 100% solo players would be in for a rude awakening when they find out that all end-game activities outside of beast tribes happen in a party. (Match-made or otherwise.) If anything I think the game does very well to break the ice with group content as early as level 15. FFXIV is about its instanced group content at the end of the day.

  13. What I hope is that MSQ goes more single player and the rest of the game more mmo. I dont want my story progression to be disrupted by other people not queueing for the same thing as me, but my daily enjoyment of the game depends on relaxed progression in a community setting. Basically i either want to be alone or anonymous in a crowd. 4 to 8 man content is too intimate for my comfort.


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