My FFXIV ShadowBringers Trailer Reaction… 4 Years Later.

Our Final Fantasy 14 journey continues and we are closer to ShadowBringers than ever before!

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Welcome back to Tiny Blue Games! My name is Csaw or Chris, and we are rewatching the FFXIV ShadowBringers Expansion trailer, a trailer that originally convinced me to try out the game. What has changed? Well, I’ve now played through the entire base game, Heavensward, and Stormblood… plus it’s been a few years since my original watch. Let’s see if I take away any new information now that I am watching it with context.

As a relatively new ffxiv player, I have enjoyed giving my first impressions of the many different pieces of content this game has to offer. If you are interested in exploring the game yourself I suggest you check out the Final Fantasy 14 free trial. This trial lets play all the way to level 60 (including both the base ARR and Heavensward expansion), with no time restrictions. It was ultimately the free trial that convinced me to dive into the full game!

👀 So… what did I get wrong?

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17 thoughts on “My FFXIV ShadowBringers Trailer Reaction… 4 Years Later.”

  1. It's always fun to see the trailer and then unpacking all the little details. Interesting theories on where we're going! Time will tell what happens next! Look forward to seeing it!

  2. I think you picked up on most of the details that you're meant to understand at this point. The cat girl's name is Y'shtola, and you did catch that Urianger called her Matoya, but didn't realize that that isn't her name. This caused endless amounts of speculation in the community leading up to the Shadowbringers release.

    There is an interesting fact about the angel you see the Warrior of Light fighting throughout the trailer, as well as the lion that Thancred fights, that you would only know if you had done an optional level 60 Heavensward dungeon called The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard). The second and third bosses of this dungeon look identical to these two enemies. I'm not going to explain any more than that, but as you might expect this also fueled a ton of speculation.

  3. It's very interesting to go back and see someone theorizing about the trailer again – Shadowbringers really turned a whole lot of things upside down (in a good way).
    When the trailer released and we saw Master Matoya/Y'shtola, as well as Minfilia people went crazy trying to figure everything out.
    I'm super looking forward to seeing you react as things develop and are revealed to you once you begin playing!

  4. Yes, it's true we can't swap classes mid fight in the game. Which is why I love the detail in this trailer. The "angel" keeps destroying the WOL's equipped weapon. Since you must have a weapon equipped he just gets another one out of his armoury. And since your class is determined by what weapon you have equipped SWOOSH he changes class. I love how it even plays the class change sound effect. Fortunately for us, gear in game gets damaged but can't be destroyed. Would suck if you were running a dungeon and your tank, who always forgets to repair, suddenly becomes a squishy BLM when his axe breaks lol.

  5. We're finally here!
    Your speculations about what Shadowbringers will be about were very interesting. Of course, there's only one way to find out for sure 🙂

  6. All you need to know about thancred prior to shadowbringers. Thancred is/was in love with minfelia. She died/merged with mommy hydalin back in heavensward post msq msq.

    She is back…but she looks a bit younger for some reason.

    She died at the conclusion of the warriors of darkness quest chain.

  7. Amdapor city's backstory involves a war between WHMs and BLMs, in a sidequest you unlock a dng where you face 2 bosses, one shares the model of the angel and the other the model of the lion.
    Also, HW raid involves timetravel and StB "outer space"

  8. I can safely say you will learn more about Aether. And the "Who's Who". I was very confused when I saw the trailer – Y'shtola being called "Master Matoya", and trying to figure out where that burning forest is. I'm a resident of Gridania so…. I'm like "NO NOT THE TWELVESWOOD!" but… ah

  9. ah yes… Matoya. You know? The Miqote smiles

    It's always fun to watch you theorizing over these! Shadowbringers is a very good expansion. I hope you enjoy it!

  10. The little gremlin thing is literally just that. They show up as enemies in a few dungeons and just mutter discouraging things at you. some of them give a debuff called Misery which can be removed by another player using the /comfort emote on you 😀


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