FFXIV Yoshi-P Wants Player to "STOP Attacking WOW"? Let's Discuss

FFXIV Yoshi-P Wants Player to “STOP Attacking WOW”? Let’s Discuss | Work To Game
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FFXIV Yoshi-P Wants Player to “STOP Attacking WOW”? Let’s Discuss | Work To Game

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33 thoughts on “FFXIV Yoshi-P Wants Player to "STOP Attacking WOW"? Let's Discuss”

  1. Glad to see WoW players taking a stand. Wish XIV players would critique XIV in the same vein with some of SE's terrible decisions with class design these past two expansions.

  2. FFXIV has proven you don't need 12 million subs to make a good game. And I don't believe pointing out what you dislike about a game is attacking it. I actually expect FFXIV to lose some subs with Endwalker. Why? I just don't think it's going to measure up to Shadowbringers. That's a tough act for anyone to follow. I'm guessing (and it really is only a guess) that Endwalker will be viewed along the lines of Stormblood quality. That's not horrible by any means.

  3. When I stopped playing that other MMO Game last Dec 2020. I was the GM of my guild that’s been around since 2007. I simply said I was taking a long break and don’t know if and when I’ll be back. I never returned, but I said not much about it after either.

  4. I'll be honest here, as a wow player the issue is the trust we had in a company who we started to love has hurt us and we as a community have just had enough. That being said there's a time to say some constructive things and a time to stop beating a dead horse . If your angry hurt ext speak with your wallet that is the most powerful way to speak in my opinion. I've moved over to ff xiv and iam having a blast, and can't wait to try out reaper (currently level 60) but just strolling trough. Having one of the best mmo experiences I've had in a long time. Hope you all have a great day .

  5. FYI: it was from the last segment of the 14-hour stream, which in all honesty, was a gold mine of information in terms of how SQE operates, how YoshiP works, and just general inside information of the culture (like egging on Murobochi to become Producer or Director, in France, while eating mussels).

  6. Very happy Yoshi P and not just him but the company of Square-enix being humble, and that's what makes a Warrior of light or what makes a gentleman of Light 🧐 (insert Hildibrand music)

  7. The problem is that the wow community communicated since Cataclysm and at that point these were pretty calm discussions. But people feel ignored because Blizzard didnt coresponed with them.

  8. I believe Yoshi-P is wrong about what he's saying. I believe he's thinking at the moment of when he had to rebuild the game.

    The main reason WOW had 12 million subscribers was because there was no store mounts, no looking for group or looking for raid at the time.

    Now if Final Fantasy 14 A realm Reborn was built during Wrath of the Lich King I believe they would have hit the 10 million subscriber mark today.

    But no, he built a Realm Reborn after Cataclysm. During this time WOW had made the game accessible for dungeons and raids. The store also had all these services etc. Alot of people left because of these changes.

    Now as an example: Imagine what will happen if Yoshi-P was going to rebuild the game by the way WOW is now. With all the systems, monetization's and lack of content patches they have now. Imagine them promoting a 6 month deal with a mount with no content to back it up.

    What do you think will happen? Will you believe people will be happy with the game?

    Even a better idea. What if he implements all the WOW systems the players hate when Endwalker is released?

    Yoshi-P should feel lucky and should praise the success the game is getting now. He stuck to the formula and didn't deviate from its course. Unlike WOW which sabotaged its success for greed. That's the reason people are flocking now to Final Fantasy 14. Because Square Enix doesn't advertise that greed like Blizzard does.

    Its also why I believe New World and Ashes of Creation wont last long. Because they are focused on the greed aspect instead of promoting the game and the game play instead of what they are going to sell in there store. That's not going to bring people in like myself.

    The only other MMO I'm looking forward to is Blue Protocol from Bandai. Its a game that's free and the only thing you pay for is a subscription. All the videos I have been seeing are about the game and the classes. Nothing about the store or what they are going to sell. And if I don't like it the first month all I spent was a month subscription on it. I'm not losing anything. But I believe its going to be a great game when its released.

    I myself left WOW a few months ago to continue to play this Final Fantasy 14. As of right now I am not sure if I am ever going back. I returned because I was burnt out of when I was playing a Realm reborn a few years ago. Now I got to play Heavensward – Shadowbringers and hit level 80. But I will say this. This was by far the best leveling experience I ever had in a RPG. The anger I had playing WOW during Shadowlands launch is gone. Final Fantasy 14 revilatized my faith in MMOs in a way I never though to be possible. Its a game that I cant wait to play when I leave work. That hasn't happened in a very long time with any game I played. As for my favorite expansion so far it is no doubt Stormblood. So right now I'm leveling new Jobs and having a blast getting ready for Endwalker and that all I have to say.

  9. Blizzard deserves the backlash. They not only don’t respect their customers but the company is full of disgusting dudes who make rape jokes to the women they work with, and generally abuse them. I was listening to asmon talk about it and they truly sound like a bunch of incel neckbeards

  10. Yoshi-P is smart enough to realize that if left unchecked its only a matter of time before that type of energy gets turned back on ff14. Not hard to guess how these things go in the MMO community.

  11. It's a shame what has happened to Blizzard. I was never a hardcore fan, I merely tried a couple games from them on and off. There was a passion in the older games though, a driving force. When I look at Blizzard now though I can tell that all that had started the company is gone, a shell of it's former self.

    I can understand that attacking any business without merit is wrong and questionable, however Blizzard would rather play victim, blame others and can't find the humility to look deeply at itself and pause for a moment.

  12. Problem is that most of these new players WoW refugees who just started playing FF14.

    I think this is more of a PR statement so the devs of FF14 can stay out of it.

  13. I think it’s important to point out that YoshiP’s statement came out at least a couple days before the Actiblizz lawsuit emerged. What he would have said (or not said) about WoW would have probably been vastly different or he wouldn’t have released his comments at all

  14. We respected Blizzard too once upon a time, but you don't actively have disdain for your customers for years and expect them not to say you're a loser when you falter.

    Blizzard is getting exactly what they deserve. That being said as a former WoW vet that watched as their content became less about fun and more about engagement metrics, their story actively disrespects their own lore and characters and end game content has become less accessible over the years. It's better left unsaid in FFXIV. We have discords for that type of talk.

  15. Yoshida said it before, during & after 14's relaunch years ago, multiple times. He likes Wow, ffxiv isn't competing with Blizzard. He said something like "Give him 10k regular players and 14 would be fine". So even if 14 is beating WoW that was never their goal. Its not even something they've ever expressed any interest in.

  16. difference between the 2 companies, SE attempts to retain their top talent.. Blizz fires everyone… Blizz has no hopes of a restart unless they get top talent again like their original WOW team.


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