FFXIV Yoshi-P Issues Even More Apologies for Raid Nerfs
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Why apologize? Making it more accessible to people means more will actually play the activity building for the minority is a surefire way to kill your game.
Its the case of being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Yoshida choose the lesser of evils and brought down the hp down 1%. Damned if you do. Damned if you dont. No choice was going to be the best choice. People were going to be mad no matter what the choice was.
Just from how YoshiP is talking about things, I feel that they're already at least doing preproduction on the next MMO if there will be one. My conspiracy theory is that it will build on from the world changing event he's talked about in 6.5.
The game is already easy, you guys already nerfed the solo instance in EW. The core of this game's fanbase are purely casuals, that forget to queue up with their mfing jobstones.
Shitty tool tips along the way, 100% of content outside of Savages, Extremes, Ultimates were not designed to test your skillset.
On the statement "Mistakes are happening because of FF16", I'd argue that mistakes are happening because mistakes happen, especially under rough or less than ideal circumstances.
I have no idea what the size of the dev team for XIV is, but let's say it is 200-300 people (?), I find it ludicrous to say that ALL mistakes are connected to one man or its so called absence.
I highly doubt YoshiP is a micromanager, and as such, I expect him to trust and delegate the leaders of each department with whatever the deliverables are. These is a team that has been working on this game for 10 years! I'd expect them to be competent at their job, mistakes and all. That said, YoshiP is the face of the game and he takes responsability for every single thing that happens (even if it isn't directly his fault, this is what good leaders do), and he will address any issue personally, which I'd take over the traditional "radio silence" the industry is known for. So let there be 10, 100, a million apologies.
If I were a betting man, I'd say these mistakes are the product of people working from home since the pandemic, situation that heavily impacts efficieny and controls of everything, this, to me, makes more sense, vs "let's blame the one guy working in FF16".
But even more important is, any and all mistakes are taken care of, even if it takes time or if the choices of the devs don't please everyone.
"Why do we fall…?"
This issue just helped to surface the underlying imbalance.
A 1% nerf of a boss is no big deal, but it is just a symptom.
It was the best move they could make in the short time they had to respond, that is for sure and it is still basically best in class support for an MMO.
However, this explanation does not address that root cause in any way, and has some troubling excerpts that make me think they don't see what we're seeing.
Right or wrong, that is a disconnect they need to fix.
Yoshi-god is messing up…. oh oh
A minority of players blowing smoke? Creating mountains out of molehills? Wow, what a surprise.
It's a situation where those players think they know more than they actually do.
The real issue is that FFXIV players rarely have anything actually serious to complain about so every little thing gets blown out of proportion. 1 out of 4 bosses tested only internally had 1% too much HP. Any other game this wouldnât even be talked about.
This nonsense has a minor impact on < 3% of the playerbase. Why all the fuss?
I really think they correct this this way because they started seeing party finder excluding jobs. They may have waited or come at it a different way if that had not started to happen. I agree that doing some job balancing is a great idea but I really think the community pushed their hand here. Just my thoughts. Thanks for the video!
1% is a lot on context… 100 HP boos, 1% is nothing just one HP… 100,000,000 HP? 1% is 1m off. So 1% scales quite a bit on HP context.
I hope they can create workable job balance in the future without canabalizing the identity of jobs so much. Examples: Trick attack, Monk Positionals, and Braindead Summoner. We have enough easy low skill floor jobs, stop messing with the few challenging jobs. Normal content is already so easy why stupify jobs when one button spammers can clear norm content without a single braincell.
This was just Alex 3 savage again. An over tuned fight, and they corrected it by "nerfing" the hp value by a small amount. It sucks, but at the end of the day, the programmers are human, and will make mistakes. The fact they are willing to make adjustments, usually in a timely fashion. I hope it is just a small blip. We haven't had something like this since Alex 3 savage, and they tend to learn from their mistakes.
Honestly, I know they said no more new races, so that could be resources for class balance, or maybe crosses fingers more housing.
First: It is true that the initial hp of the boss will be overcome by gear after a while for more and more groups, however, that extra hp would result in less players clear the fight at all. My guess is that the devs have a certain % of players they want to clear the fight in order to see it as a success.
Second: More jobs will only resulting in a worse job balance. So focusing on balancing what they have at the moment would be better then adding even more jobs in 7.0.