In this video, I’ll talk about how important it is for tanks to use both their personal and party mitigation during progression and later on and during farm. If you’re new to tanking, you may have some trouble making your own mit plans.
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Hey Jay Hey Jay Hey Jay
This video is awesome. I'm a monkey melee DPS player so when I hear mitigation I think "Third Eye" lol.
This video gave me a lot to think about. I'm looking forward to what you post next too!
JAYDEN!!!!!! Great video! I know a lot of new and experienced tanks will probably be looking for a video like this. Keep up the great work! 👍
great video, nice information and editing Jay!
Great words from a great tank (: some of the most fun to be had while progging is figuring out all the ways to get the most uses out of tbn/30second cds.
baaaaaaaa! sheep says use your mit
BaAaAaAaA! Thanks for the awesome video to help new tanks and advocating for healers. You are the best <3 Really great editing as well!
Keep it up! 🙂