[FFXIV] White Mage in Endwalker: An Analysis and Thoughts

Thanks for MrHappy and Spofie for letting me use some of their footage! You can check them out in the links below 😀

This video is my thoughts on the White Mage job going into Endwalker, these changes are tentative and are subject to change, especially potencies so keep that in mind. We’ll have an updated video after the release of Endwalker when we have more hands on with the job.

Spofie’s Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/spofie
MrHappy’s Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/mrhappy1227

Intro: 0:00
Lilybell: 0:36
Aquaveil: 4:05
Glare Changes: 4:50
Thin Air: 6:28
Divine Benison: 7:00
Holy II: 7:20
White Mage vs Astrologian: 7:38
White Mage Overview: 10:45


20 thoughts on “[FFXIV] White Mage in Endwalker: An Analysis and Thoughts”

  1. I hope they improve WHM til the Endwalker release ( but i'm not going to put any expectations on that based on previous expansions, WHM took over 5 Years to have a decent MP management when Thin Air got created, before that WHM was a pain dealing with MP, not to mention other issues on the job. Has always been like that, they basically ignores WHM the whole Expansion and improves AST/SCH 1000x each on the same time ).

    There's no reason to nerf Thin Air like they did, i hope they fix that, by the Tooltips that we got WHM still is the healer that have more Spells that requires MP to use, still the Healer with the Longest Cast times and the Highest MP Cost. So why nerf Thin Air if the other Healers got way better MP Restorative Spells?, Sage for example can literally Recovery 5% MP every 10 seconds. It's absurd.

    It's fine if they don't want to give to WHM more oGCD, Utility, still have the most expensive or longer cast times for their Spells, but at least give them a equivalent MP Restorative Tool, give them the strongest aDPS ( looks like Sage it's stronger now ), give them a faster CDs cuz in comparison to the others they take twice or 3 times more to have acess to a similar toolkit. It's stupid.

  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again…the easiest fix to most problems would be turning Lily heals into ogcd:
    It would justify the thin air nerfs.
    It would put us on par with other healers and the amount of OGCDS they have.
    It would make the 1.5 sec Glare cast timer even more useful as we could weave lilies inbetween.
    It would nullify the potency loss issues with the current Glare vs Afflatus Misery situation. (I'd even gladly have the potency of afflatus misery nerfed considering how much of a potency boost it would be otherwise…)

    And you know what, we'd still be worse than an Astro since we cant compete with offensive party utility. But it would make WHM more viable.

  3. imo SE should implement 2 of the 3:
    Misery potency to 1200. (Yeah, not 1240, I'm not that greedy) (Has bonus of making using lilies more satisfying)
    Thin Air affects 2 spells per charge.
    Lilybell 25s duration and 30 yalm radius.

    If WHM is supposed to be the easier healer that's good for prog, then follow through with that and give WHM more MP cushion than any other healer. The sweatier WHM players will sac piety for damage, but they'll come up short to astro anyways.

  4. This overview series really has me feeling envious that there are no Caster mains of your caliber on Youtube making overviews.

    You did a fantastic job at highlighting the differences and similarities to AST and when you would want one over the other so that has me really interested in your upcoming Sage overview as I feel like there are going to be lots of heated comments one way or another when Sage is put in a competitive spot against Scholar.

  5. I definitely think ast has a big advantage over whm just because of neutral and macrocosmos. Macro seems much more usable and impactful than lilybell in more situations.

    thanks again for the insightful videos!

  6. I kinda wish Lilybell was manually triggered, not auto-triggered on the user taking damage. That seems kinda weird to me. Maybe since they figure the lower-skill players play WHM, they didn't want to overcomplicate the skill?

  7. I'll be very interested to see if things actually change on WHM before release or if we'll have to wait until 6.1. Hopefully people will "respectfully" present any issues with the job to SE via the official forums along with suggestions on how things could be better. Going off the media tour information, my suggestions for tweaking WHM would be a possible slight potency increase to Misery to maybe 930-950, change Lilybell to a 120 second cooldown with the effect either lasting for 30 seconds OR let the full potency be healed by the remainder of the ability when it expires instead of just 200 per stack, and finally add a third charge to thin air with a trait. Obviously they want to change how thin air currently works and there are possible advantages to this but it's a pretty huge nerf to MP efficiency as you said. With a third charge on the same 60 second cooldown you'll have to ability to burn all of them if you need heavy MP usage at once or hold some back for raising allies if MP is fine. This would make it more versatile than the current iteration of the ability while still offering a significant boon to MP usage.

  8. I’ve watched so many of these videos since the media tour started and you’re probably the only person (including other healer mains) who really gave WHM a deep discussion and understood the potential issues: Thin Air is a huge nerf, Lilybell is limited, Misery is even more of a damage loss, etc. I even think Aquaveil is oddly placed—it should be a significantly lower level to line up with earth and wind based spells.

    Thanks for your understanding of healing mechanics. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the other healers.

  9. Hey Momo just wanna say that I absolutely love your analysis videos. Shadowbringers got me into healing after not liking healing that much in Stormblood. I'm really excited for all the new changes especially that WHM will now always have a weave window with Glare. I actually love the general idea of Lilybell (the idea of Lilybell being strong in the situations you mentioned in the video) but I feel like it depends too much on a specific situation that doesn't occur on a lot of bosses. I also appreciate that you made the comparison to AST. Right now it feels like that the forums and discords are full of doomsayers who think that their main healing job will be absolutely terrible (basically the pre-expansion madness we always have :D) and therefore it's almost impossible to have great discussions about the healers. Thank you for doing the videos 🙂

  10. The fact you can weave assize with glare 2 now means you will rarely stack lilies for misery like we do currently UNLESS there is actual downtime. With glare 2 swiftcast glare 2 for big movement and Dia and the new gcd you can get where you want to fairly easy.

  11. Aqua veil looks really lackluster to me compared to exhaltation. I know we can't really talk about potencies at this time because everything is subject to change, but with some quick number crunching, the difference between the two is just too great. WHM's Aqua veil has 5% more mitigation, in exchange for exhaltation's 500 potency healing. Looking at the developmental footage, a tank has about 65k hp, and the 500 potency healing is about 8000 hp (this is rounding it down a bit). in order for the 5% difference in aqua veil to equal the 500 potency heal, the tank needs to take 160k damage, which I feel would only happen if you're like, trying to solo tank a shared tankbuster. Unless that 5% is the make or break for the tank dying, that 500 potency healing is just going to be so much more, especially if it crits; then it's no contest. I'd personally rather aqua veil be 20% mit so that it could be comparable verses a 80k tankbuster, which is more likely with tanks at 65k. It's nice that whm is getting more mitigation tools, even if its just single target, but in the end, I feel like it isn't going far enough compared to what everyone else brings to the table.

  12. It's an absolute travesty you didnt get media tour invite 😭 it's so nice to have really good analysis on healers. I feel like the healer main representation on the expac with a new healer was woefully inadequate


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