FFXIV: Water Otter Fountain Landmark – Island Sanctuary

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#FFXIV #Meoni #islandsanctuary

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


31 thoughts on “FFXIV: Water Otter Fountain Landmark – Island Sanctuary”

  1. The audio quality in this video is awful. Sorry about that. Think i might of fixed it for future videos, but this one is buzzy and a cellphone tower decided to interact with my mic towards the end for some reason.
    So weird.

  2. No way these can currently be macro’d, I'm in a bis pentamelded set of pactmakers and have failed this craft so many times. It's super tough. And yes the new mats to craft the parts are from atherial reduction of sublime collectables. There's only like a 6% chance collectable will turn sublime, so not the easiest mats to acquire. Looks amazing, but I am prob going to wait till next crafting set drops.

  3. Not a dig to anyone, but Yoshi-P (in the one of the most recent live letters) did mention that there would be ONE small instance of the Island Sanctuary having a crossover to the outside world and this would be it. BUT it's completely optional and cosmetic. In technicality, yeah it's Island Sanctuary glam so should only be for Island Samtuary but it does NOT halt progress of the actual Island because we get given 4 whole landmarks for the 4 spaces we get, and technically we can build 4 of the same thing. Consider it an optional glam if you will.

  4. There’s so much space going on the way to Lighthouse I’m sad there’s not an extra spot unlocked when you unlock this recipe ps all Landmarks are instant didn’t you notice that lol 😝

  5. I thought yoshi said that they would not make island connect with other system from the main game such as crafter and market board in order to get stuff completed on our island. Not surprised the walk back from that idea.

  6. Looks great, but I really hate how they made an area where it's supposed to be completely self-contained and then have this final landmark an expert recipe. I imagine the area that's elevated on the East side of the base is going to be cleared for more landmarks when they update it. I also had the idea of a dueling square, to give visitors on the island ANYTHING to do, but the Triple Triad idea is also good. They need to add reasons for people to ever want to visit your island.

  7. Man, there are so many people in the comments mad about how "but YoshiP said," that somehow missed that YoshiP also said there would be one Island Sanctuary thing that did involve non-Island stuff. FF14 players continue to be unable to read or understand things even when it's spelled out for them, just like with the MSQ.

    That said, the fountain's very cute, and I'm definitely getting it when I max my island out.

  8. I'm going to wait for an upgrade of crafting equipment before trying this, quite insane, I do love it though. This system of permits is going to be an intersting way to give us the weather mamet and the atherite crystal.

  9. These items are well over a million gil each on my server. As a casual player I only have a little over a million even though I've been playing for a few years now. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to have the fountain.

  10. I'm hoping they let us upgrade landmarks. I'd prefer a larger bath house! I think this is a nice fountain but not for me. It doesn't really fit in with the overall aesthetic of the island. If there was more of a little town square area in front of the cozy cabin then yes 100% but on a landmark spot? Ehhhhhh. It's either by the pastures (why?), up on a small cliff next to two production buildings… maybe a better fit there honestly, or its up where you put it where again it doesn't really fit. I mean you're not going to put it in the lighthouse spot either. Imo this would be better if it gave you an additional area where it was placed by default, say on the way to the lighthouse or in the town centre.

  11. I freaking hate SE now. This is ridiculous. They said that this whole content would not require DoH/DoL at all. I don't care whether this fountain is "Optional" or not. They need to learn to keep their promises and stop lying to people. It's not about it being "optional" it's about principles. They told people that Island Sanctuaries didn't need DoH/DoL, period!

    I am currently Rank 9, I loved this content until now. This disheartens me to further level it.

  12. I thought the island sanctuary was supposed to be completely removed from the rest of the game? Why is a landmark gated behind an item that one of my FC mates was trying to sell a few days back for 5+ million gil?

  13. ppl are salty because they cannot craft it and they don't have the gil to buy it.
    It's an optional piece of content (glamour landmark) in an optional piece of content (island sanctuary)

    Glamour is endgame mind you


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