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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]
I think the original comment is basically asking "What game can I buy and not play" if you look at what they actually say. They said they don't want to do dailies but want to be able to go group content.
They're both casual. I play hardcore wow and even that is casual imo
I like how this is even a question.
Of course ff14 is more casual, its basically facebook with side games at this point lol
XIV by a long shot. If u dont raid, everything else is braindead casual.
Everything in FF14, aside from the little high end content the game has, is braindead. You could say that makes FF14 more casual, but I wouldn't call unengaging content a good thing. I'd say that WoW having more casual content that provides a non-zero amount of engagement makes it a better casual game.
Probably want to define casual first.
Personally I consider it to be someone who doesn't want to be challenged by the content, while still being able to do most things.
By that definition, FFXIV fits the mold pretty well. Pretty much everything outside synced extremes/savages/ultimates.
Haven't played WoW in years, but early cata would be a good example of not being casual-friendly.
The only casual thing to do was archeology.
Grinded the shit out of archy, leveled two toons to 80 through it trying to get the zin'rok. Must have done 2000 troll solves all up. Never saw it on any of them.
Iâd vote FFXIV for most casual types, since you can make progress and reach a point where you feel done for a patch cycle. WoW, on the other hand, preys heavily on fomo, time gating, and doing anything to make you feel like you must keep logging in on a regular cycle. And as a casual it feels like thereâs no feeling of being complete that I can reach during a patch. Also, FFXIVâs trials and raids at normal feel a lot more engaging in general than most any WoW LFR experience to me.
However, WoW does have the advantage of alts. If only it more easily let me feel donât on a main char so I could freely focus alts. It at least has improved in many ways.
Oh and in FFXIV I can just click the game icon and jump in to play so that gets a +casual bonus. In WoW I usually have to update addons if itâs been a week and then deal with changes to something because they happen all too often whether it be classes or dungeons or how to obtain something. FFXIV stays more consistent and for longer.
Having played FF16 also, the hallmark of Creative 3 games is "hardcore gamers only need apply". If your a casual gamer don't expect an "engaging" experience. The game wasn't made for you, what there is, is an afterthought.
FFXIV without question. WoW has a lot more things to do by virtue of being twice as old, but much of its content is also time gated so if there's something you actually enjoy doing you get hamstrung by having to return like a day or week later to keep doing it; This including older content which is irrelevant to character progression such as acquiring new cosmetics from raids or garrison/class hall development.
I've never played WoW but "casual" is not a word I imagined being used to describe it…but that may be because of my impression on the player base.
FF14 definetly. Not saying WoW doesn't have casual fans, but the community is so divides and so mucb of the content requires addons & is gatekept by gardcore players its insane
FFXIV isn't casual, it's more casual friendly if you want it to be that way. WoW just lacks content to attract more casual players. But if you compare endgame content of WoW and FFXIV – ff puts far more challenge that WoW mythic raids.
as a casual player of both game, i think wow is more casual friendly. I feel like i have much more things to do in the world and even low lvl ''hard'' content is filled by casual players. Nowdays in retail you can play on and off just like ff14. Thers also no more dailies to do, its mostly weekky and now insteade of having to cap a currency each week, they increase the cap so you can alwais catch up unlike the tomestone in 14.
Wowâs âcasualâ can include tier 8 delves which are not easy (in comparison to ffxiv) unless you actually pay attention and have good reaction speed.
Meanwhile ffxivâs casual bar is so low Iâm genuinely starting to believe even toddlers can play the game decently if given enough practice. Theyâve danger proofed everything to the point where I feel like theyâre mocking my intelligence with how braindead it is.
Im finding your content to be very FF14phobic lately. Just admit you prefer WoW
Ffxiv overall but expantion wise war witjin is more casual then dt .
FFXIV is so casual in terms of content it manages to turn even the casuals away. Sad story, really, especially with the last expansion.
In my opinion
FFXIV is very casual friendly for new players but not for veteran casuals who are up to date with the content
She's so jaded-pilled its crazy she's just misreading things to make content hating on ffxiv.
I am a wowfugee that came over at the end of Cataclysm to play ARR. The most immediate thing I remember starting out was how… slower and easier things were in FF14. Yet, the beginning of this game still had some elements from WoW that required skill, even at low end content. Now, if you're not raiding savage/ultimate, it's 100% causal.
14 is by a ten fold why is this even a question lol
Casual is how much you need to commit to enjoy the game. You indeed don't need a lot of commitment to enjoy XIV.
FF14 is highschool drama and ERP. It barely classifies as a game lol
Guild Wars 2
FFXIV content creators look like they're 2 seconds away from losing it. I hope everyone finds a better game soon.
1:35 Yes Zepla both Savage and Ultimate are content but they are not casual both of them need more commitment compare to other content that you choose to not mention in the video but hey I'm guessing that rent is due so do your thing.
Even in the game culture you can tell FFXIV is more casual. In FF, its tyfp or o/. In WoW its tywp (well played). So WoW is more about how well you play. FF is more about thankyou for playing with me.
World of Warcraft is easily the more casual one. It's literally why it's still alive after all the screw ups.
FF14 tries so hard to make you active in every waking moment of the damn ride, from gathering, crafting, to making a puzzle of your controls while making the fights demand movement from you more and more excessively, like it's Wildstar. Wildstar is dead BTW.
WoW literally has controls to play the game with one hand. FF14 does not. You literally cannot leave FF14 unattended even though the AFK kick timer is off 90% of the time. WoW can have things done while unattended, most notably the flight taxis, even though the AFK kick timer is always one. I don't need to make schedules or make constant trips to the bank for gathering or crafting respectively in WoW.
I don't have to wait over 5 god damn years to fully dress up my minotaur, werewolf, and weredragon. FF14? The simplest solution to the problem is just too much to ask, even to fix previous issues they now made a solution for. There's no excuse for it anymore.
If it wasn't for Blizzard and their dumbass fuck ups and the need to make it all about the raiding from WoD onward, I would have never dropped Warcraft. But man FF14 is making it easier and easier to consider paying for WoW again.
To be fair, based on the OP's description, FFXIV does fit their playstyle more – seasonally sub to the game for single player contents type of player.
WoW has more actual gameplay to do for casuals, FFXIV is only better if you are adverse to even the slighest friction
if u define casual by not having to play the game then yea ffxiv takes that crown. but all these non wow players thinking wow is not a casual game is hilarious lmao
Would you consider "RP" sessions to be more casual? You know exactly which ones i mean, lol.
absolutely ff14, especially for new players who have a ton of frontloaded content to go through
there are no time limited achievements like keystone master, ahead of the curve or cutting edge
i never felt any level of FOMO or pressure to play without really wanting to in ff14
At present FFXIV, housing alone wins it