FFXIV: Valentiones Event Ingame Rewards

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#FFXIV #Meoni #event

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


19 thoughts on “FFXIV: Valentiones Event Ingame Rewards”

  1. I never do these. Achievements don’t really mean anything and neither do the points. So for me if the rewards are lame then there isn’t a reason to do the seasonal events. I do like 3 a year. This is one I’m passing for sure. My bird fights so it should be armored lol

  2. Lamest rewards yet. Can't wait to NOT do this, lol. Who uses chocobos anymore – and with so many bardings in game, this is by far one of the most forgettable. Thanks for doing this, and showing us, so I don't have to do it!

  3. My god that achievement title xD Almost like the keyboard got head smashed.
    But honestly forgot the valentines event was rolling around too. Was only a couple weeks to a month ago we just got the halloween event! To the free stuff!

  4. I bought 6 of the mobiles to replace the 6 I got from the Christmas event. I just liked how they decorated with them in December so I got a bunch.

    Also mild spoiler for when the quest is over, you can find the characters you talked to during the quest in Gridania. Thought that was a sweet detail. I really enjoyed it, it made me want to cry.

  5. Super cute barding, I did these quests this morning and have Myrddin outfitted in it already. I did leave on his Saintly barding legs since I love the bells, and with the red accents on this it works reasonably well.
    Thank you for the video!


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