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#FFXIV #Meoni #event
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
Feels like the holloween event was just yesterday. Can't believe it's valentine's already.
I can picture the mobile being used in RP clubs.
I actually like the chocobo barding alot. And with the lack of a Blue mage class barding this Is a nice substitute
Honorificabilitudinitatibus means “the state being able to achieve honors.” It is from Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost.
I love the chocobo barding, like a lot. The color is… Oww! <3 Can't wait to get it in the game!
"Wow, it's alot bigger than I expected it to be."
– Meoni, 2022
I never do these. Achievements don’t really mean anything and neither do the points. So for me if the rewards are lame then there isn’t a reason to do the seasonal events. I do like 3 a year. This is one I’m passing for sure. My bird fights so it should be armored lol
I said when it was announced I am going to get it – Not sure if I should change my chocobos feathers or keep them yellow and just have me and my chocobo in matching outfits going around.
I am working in the office, did the even already begin??
So long as we don't end this event having tormented someone with a terrible matchmaking ending. I haven't forgotten Ywain's suffering.
When do you think the cash shop will do last years stuff?
Lamest rewards yet. Can't wait to NOT do this, lol. Who uses chocobos anymore – and with so many bardings in game, this is by far one of the most forgettable. Thanks for doing this, and showing us, so I don't have to do it!
i was hoping for new fashion but the mobile is actually quite cute as is the chocobo barding. Not too bad.
hmmm it's similar to the abigail barding, which i love, so i will get this for my pink chocobo. ^_^
My god that achievement title xD Almost like the keyboard got head smashed.
But honestly forgot the valentines event was rolling around too. Was only a couple weeks to a month ago we just got the halloween event! To the free stuff!
I honestly wish the Delivery Moogle Plushies were re-stocked, would've been perfect to pair the barding and the Wind-up Delivery Moogle minion
I bought 6 of the mobiles to replace the 6 I got from the Christmas event. I just liked how they decorated with them in December so I got a bunch.
Also mild spoiler for when the quest is over, you can find the characters you talked to during the quest in Gridania. Thought that was a sweet detail. I really enjoyed it, it made me want to cry.
I brought 30 of the valentines mobile lol. I hung mine on the ceiling's at the fc mansion.
Super cute barding, I did these quests this morning and have Myrddin outfitted in it already. I did leave on his Saintly barding legs since I love the bells, and with the red accents on this it works reasonably well.
Thank you for the video!