FFXIV – Explaining My UI & Keybinds

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46 thoughts on “FFXIV – Explaining My UI & Keybinds”

  1. I use the "tunnel vision" idea of putting most of my UI elements closer to the middle. As for Keybinds, I put auto walk to ~ and then use 1-5 or 6 for single target, 6 or 7-9 for AoE, and use alt 1-4 for positionals usually. I also have movement skills usually on my mouse's fwd, wheel, and back clicks, with alt modifiers on them as well.

    My big thing for major raid cds is using number pad, 1-9 and 0 is my defensive, either second wind for dps jobs or my invuln for tanks.

  2. I use three 3×4 bars to comfortably match my 12 button MMO mouse (Redragon M908 Impact RGB).

    First bar: base 1-12. Main GCD rotation and OGCDs with short cooldowns.

    Second bar: shift + 1-12. OGCDs with longer cooldowns and gauge mechanics that take awhile to build up.

    Third bar: ctrl + 1-12. Role actions, quick rez macro, tank invuls, and tank stance.

  3. I basically don't use my mouse. I have most weaponskills/spells bound to 1-9 on my 10key numberpad, AOE versions on the ctrl for the same buttons. I use the arrowkeys and pageup/down for camera control. OGCD's go on 1-4 on the number bar+ control and shift mods, and F1 through f4. I use legacy movement, so turning around is just run away from the target. If I need to swing the camera around really fast, my right hand on the 10key is pretty close to my mouse anyway. My static is always shrieking when they see my UI/keybind crimes xD. QWES for movement is interesting though! I might try that.

  4. After playing with an MMO mouse for so long, I think I would suck at this game without it. I don't even hit the number keys on my keyboard, I shipped that all to the mouse. The ability to have full control over both my movement and actions at the same time is amazing.

  5. I do that side mouse button remapped to shift and alt thing. 1-5, control and mouse mapped shift and mouse mapped alt. No MMO mouse needed, just any mouse with the generic forward and back side buttons and AHK. unfortunately due to my tiny hands and lack of mmo mouse I use pcombo to consolidate a lot of buttons. Theres just literally no space for 10 gcd combo buttons for drg. I dunno if it'll work when endwalker comes but I'll figure that out when I get there.

  6. When I started playing games, I started with fps games that had pretty basic abilities. Usually no more than three or four. At the time, I had a mouse with side buttons and I got used to using m5/m4/m3 for these abilities

    This has literally transferred to my mmo playing. I usually put low cooldown buffs or skills that I will need to spam often on these buttons.

    That, and my first mmo used function keys as the default 2nd hotbar, so that's where I relegated all my buffs to. Just things that I'm used to

  7. I would recommend using the | or tilde button or whatever, it changes with regional layouts, it's the one to the left of the "1" key and above "TAB". Before i switched to the mmo mouse i just set that to "1" and shifted the rest one number down. This would solve the problem happy presented with "6" being at his limit, as "5" would be the new "6", which would be easier to reach.

  8. I feel a bit jealous he can use a mmo mouse. Thanks to my nerve damage I can not use them and just flat our fat finger all the mouse buttons. Now I mostly use Right mouse button for turning. Allowing me to Strafe with A and D. Allowing me to use Q, E, and R for core abilities. If I need more I have F and the stretch for v. V use for long timed cooldowns if I need something there. Hitting V feels more normal then 5. 5 is my version of Mr. Happy 6. Ctrl is my primary go to secondary key biding. Ctrl 1-5, Ctrl Q,E,R,F. Then shift. Though sense I use my mouse button for movement. Sometimes I have my mouse hovering over off the side for a click Cooldown that comes up once every blue moon. Like if I need to use a cool down that not part of my core dps.

    I do the tunnel vision as well. Where my focus is the boss and their animations. So my hud is in the middle too. Hell I am not a healer so I do not even have party bars on my screen. I am at most looking at my buffs and the boss debuffs. As I am more focus on keeping my dps up and doing boss mechanics.

  9. I really enjoy seeing the philosophy behind other people's keybindings since i've gone through a long process in developing my own.

    My keybindings have had an overarching theme that i've developed to fit with most of ffxiv's rotations (the 1-2-3 a/b finisher combo)
    The number 1 rule is that all my combo starters go on Shift+E (in my mind it gives a decisive feeling to my action)
    The second in the combo goes on E (just as a natural follow up)
    And the 3rd hit in the combo usually goes on Shift+Space (Shift space is usually reserved for my most damaging ability)
    Then for classes that have a branching system after the main combo or as part of the main combo, i assign the 2 thumb buttons on my mouse

    All my AOE go on T, Shift+T, and Ctrl+T (because the shape of a T reminds me of an umbrella which covers a wide area)
    All my dots go on V, Shift+V or Shift+F
    Any main curative abilities always go on Shift+C
    Q is usually reserved for any classes central ability
    R is stun/silence & Shift+R is any sort of ranged agro tool
    F is normally reserved for the most important cooldown for each class (Ex. Swiftcast/tank invuln)

    Its absolutely psychotic, but it works

  10. Honestly I just wish there was a way to kinda share UI as a sort of copy and paste just to help test out either your friends UI or like ones we see from content creators, Mines pretty simple in that I keep my 3 bars near the bottom health below that and XP below that. The only real tip I can give is to put similar buttons in similar spots, I have 3 as my dedicated Ranged ability on all tanks so I can just tap it to either pull the boss/mobs with out trying to find it again, Tank stance on Shift X just for when it's turned off when entering a instance etc, Love the video tho!

  11. My biggest personal rule on binds is that skills that are functionally the same should be in the same spot on every job. Role actions are all in the same spots across all roles, even roles that are a bit different like Lucid Dreaming for Casters and Healers (outside of BLM where instead I have Manafont where Lucid should be, but you should see my point there) Combo actions are usually 1-2-3 with branching combos taking the CTRL modifier of 2-3 to line up with the original combos. ALT modifier keys are almost always AoE attacks, etc. I play every job so making it so that most every aspect of play from job to job is similar on a Hotbar level is really important to me.

    I move my character exclusively with my mouse, so I bind all my skills and abilities on 1234/qwer/asdf with some skills on 5/t/g. My hands are smaller than average (i think) so reaching to 6, especially while holding control/alt, was annoying and sometimes painful so I gave up keyboard movement for this setup that gives me the entire keyboard space near my modifier keys available. ASDFRTG skills are a bigger hotbar near my character so I can keep track of Major CDs and my Job Gauges are HUGE, right next to it. I spent a lot of time adjusting my hotbars over all the years I've played so I'm really happy with what I ended up with. I can do my whole rotation on my left hand and focus solely on movement with my right on the mouse.

  12. I use an MMO mouse. I keybind 1 through 12, shift + 1 through 12, middle mouse for bubble, Q for Esuna and E for Raise (or equivalent). If it doesn't fit in 24 keys it doesn't get bound.

    Also, although not strictly keybinding, I will always and forever use mouseover healing. I know in FFXIV there's the whole thing about spells queuing or whatever, but I've gotten so used to it that I refuse to click my targets to heal.

    Edit: I noticed in the comments that a lot of people were talking about similar abilities across jobs on as close as you can get to the same place on your keybinds and I just want to echo that sentiment. You have no idea how much muscle memory will kick in if you play several different jobs.

  13. Every thing I use is bound between 1-6, then shift, ctr, alt, ctrl shft, alt shift, and "Q, E, Z" Z is set to the middle of those. Then I have all my non movement mouse buttons including the central wheel and all of it's possibilities set individually as well as to the shift, ctrl, and alt options. It gives me everything I need for every class. Skills I use most or use on the run often go in places that I can run and press without interference. I play every class. I had to learn every rotation and opener so I have to keep everything where I can see it, because I can't always flip my brain every time I flip a class. Lol All my stuff is centered.

  14. I want to get into using keyboard and mouse on XIV but I've been using controller for so long that it feels like a gigantic wall to get over. A lot of the tips and explanation in your thought process was nice to listen to — especially the screen.

  15. 1-5, QERT-FG-ZXCV, space bar, M4.

    space bar is used in combat to cancel a cast (on ice floor/or for stillness/motion stuff)
    shift+spacebar is for 30/45s CDs like assize, and ctrl+spacebar for 60/90s cooldowns like bloodfest.
    m4 is for sprint. (m3 is for push to talk).
    buttons are grouped logically, AoE buttons on their single target counterparts, tank cooldowns in order of use/cooldown, oGCDs on RTFGV, etc.

  16. Think I need to get a separate monitor for my laptop, due to it only having a 15inch screen? Figured it would allow me to space out my ui a little bit, along with making it easier to see off screen mechanics.

  17. I’ve always been told I’m weird for using QWES for my movement so it’s nice to see I’m not the only one who does it.
    As for hud layout mine is slowly moving towards the center thanks to dnc and brd.

  18. Having not so much dexterity in my hands, I was never able to adopt ctrl or shift to add to my rotations easily. I usually end up clicking ogcd's and using the mouse buttons to move if my fingers are occupied. Never really thought too much about it, though with Endwalker and the new jobs, maybe its an opportunity to try a different approach to how everything is keybound

  19. Sad i cant get a new keyboard like mine, steelseries merc stealth is great for ff14 cause 1-11 are easily reachable from wasd. Sadly its discontinued solely due to it being to "bulky" we need a good mmo keyboard!

  20. My only movement key is E That moves me forward. I turn with my mouse and can make all the adjustments I need that way.

    My main ability keys are Q W R T Y, A S D F G H, Z X C V B Those are for main rotation abilities and just main class abilities. Generally I stick all my AOE rotations on the A S D F G H line while the Q W R T Y line is for single target stuff. Z X C V B are for cooldown damaging abilities.

    middle mouse button is for interrupts. Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 are for class specific actions akin to dragoons eye of the dragon or whatever that's called. I used to have Tab take care of that but I've moved away from that.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 and Shift+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 are cooldowns. That's where I put my mitigation cds as a tank, my damage increase CDs as a dps, etc.

    Shift+ M4 and M5 are class specific and sometimes the M4 shift+ isn't used. M5 shift+ is always sprint.

    I just got a logitech g915 tkl keyboard which lets me individually color my keys so I have them all color coded as well.

    I also have two macros set up that switch my hotbars between shared and unshared. Unshared holds my combat abilities so its individual for each class. Shared holds my emotes and emote macros and all the social stuff. When I click the non combat macro it also hides a lot of the UI since I don't really need to see it.

  21. How I use my keyboard is very similar to how Mrhappy uses his own. I do use an MMO mouse as well and I use 1-6 number keys and letter keys closest to my WASD controls. however I do use F keys at the top of my keyboard, but those are more for defensive CDs, party buffs, etc. My hud layout is a little different, but I do use a version of the tunnel vision layout. My hot bars are a bit lower on the screen so I have more room to see things. I use my mouse buttons to move a lot of the time in combat so I have the freedom on my keyboard. Listening to MrHappy talk about his setup was, in a weird way, similar to my own and I agreed with a lot of his set up and understood it. lol

  22. I personally use 1-12 with 10-12 on my mouse being bound to 0, [ and ] then just using ahift and ctrl modifiers of those same 12 buttons. The only thing I'm using my keyboard for is movement and 1-4, the rest of my keybinds are done entirely with my side mouse buttons. (Corsair Scimitar pro)

    Other than that I have the 2 dpi buttons on my mouse bound to M4 and M5. Thus setup hasn't failed me over the years and is what I'm most comfortable with.

  23. I have such a hard time moving my hands that doesn't allow for me to bind things outside of my finger extension range. I bought an MMO mouse (razer) to hopefully help with some of this, but I have ran into the issue of the mouse being too light causing issues with touching the buttons while also moving the mouse. I am on the hunt for an MMO mouse that is heavier.

  24. I use an MMO mouse with 12 buttons on the side – my goal is to put all my main GCD skills on that bar. I also have another hotbar on mouse buttons+Shift modifier for longer cooldowns or miscellaneous abilities. I use ESDF for movement, and keys like QRTYAFGHZXCV for all my OGCDs. What I particularly like about this setup and why it feels comfortable to me is that my GCDs are executed with my right hand, and my OGCDs with my left hand (generally). I also have Alt and Ctrl modifiers assigned to my mouse, so I can do Alt/Ctrl+keyboard letters for additional OGCD options. This way, my modifier is always on the opposite hand from the skill – I use left hand for Shift and then press my GCD skills on my mouse; or I use Alt/Ctrl on my mouse and press OGCDs on my keyboard. This feels really smooth for weaving skills.

  25. To the point of it "makes sense to you," I do something similar. I use a Logitech G600 with programmable keys and a lot of those mouse keys are used for buffs and AoEs, with an easy to access OHSH** button. Then my keyboard is reserved for 1-4 as basic combos and OGCD weaves.

  26. The only thing I would add to this Happs is, I use A/D for strafe left/right and rebind Q and E for actions. E is typically my "Im going to use this alot" bind and Q is "Im going to also use this alot" or if its a class with a builder/spender style, ill put the builder on E and the spender on Q. But I mostly follow your style as well.

  27. wow refugee here. I've had to completely overhaul my keybind philosophy when switching to ffxiv. I even bought a razer naga and now use two mice on a daily basis like some crazy person. I'm still not fully used to it but i feel like its a very intuitive way to learn the game and play it at a high level for savage/ultimates. obviously in the end anything can work for anyone.

    I use a combination of my mouse binds that i'm still getting a feel for and keybinds that i'm used to from wow. i use two 3×4 format hotbars and one 6×2 format hotbar in the middle in between the two 3x4s.

    middle bar are my keyboard binds that i map ALL gcd spells/weaponskills to. 1-2-3-q-e-r-f for rotational/standard combo keybinds, z x c for primary aoe rotation or if I'm heals, my GCD spells. 4-5-t-g-v for anything else GCD related. as Heals i'll bind high use oGCDs to these auxiliary binds like aetherflow, energy drain, draw, and play.

    left bar is 3×4 format and holds all oGCDs abilities that are 60s recast or less, sprint is always on the same bind no matter the class, swiftcast and true north are always on the same bind and share the same location.

    right bar is 3×4 format that holds all oGCDs abilities that are over 60s recast. I use shift + mousebinds for right bar. Surecast and Arms length are always on the same bind and share the same location.

    This set-up helped me pick up a bunch of different classes quickly to try them out and see who i might main come EW.

  28. I’m always baffled on how people I see use the number keys for actions for me it gets uncomfortable past 4 but i also thought everyone used the regular movement keys. I have this constant problem of movement not feeling very comfortable since I use every around wasd for my actions maybe right click and left will help but itll take time to get used to


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