FFXIV: Valentiones Day 2023 Event Rewards!


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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


31 thoughts on “FFXIV: Valentiones Day 2023 Event Rewards!”

  1. I personally don’t think gender locked glamour is a big deal. Sure it’s nice to have them unlocked but like… a lot of attire is designed with a female or male frame in mind and just won’t look as good on the opposite. A few gender unlocked sets come to mind. >_>

  2. To be fair, the new glam hasn't been as good since they began designing them unisex. A lot of new sets in Endwalker have been just one glam with a choice of 2 bottoms. Also male casters got a antiquity queen dress in Aglaia whereas Copied Factory gave us a dapper suit.

    Maybe it's just me but I prefer having gender locked gear that looks great on both genders than a unisex set that always looks meh. I think SE should go back to gender locks and gendered variants like before, and just take feedback from the community to see which ones deserve to be unlocked.

  3. Something they may be doing is something that does benefit the mogstation at the annoyance but not hinderance to players. That being the genderlocked gear un-genderlocking when they add it to the mogstation.

  4. 0 chance for Viera/Hroth hats, yet again. I can just tell.
    Last year's Valentiones was impactful to me because the hat glam actually worked, it's one of the few which do.

  5. Can I just say, even if other people post about new things in FFXIV first, I alwats wait for your vids first just cause yours are always so in depth without fluff, and overall is just just so easy to watch. Thanks for doing what you do, appreciate you


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