More Heavensward MSQ today! Super excited to see where the story takes us!
Join me as I delve back into the world of Final Fantasy XIV Online, where I will continue on my path through the MSQ.
Today we continue our journey in new lands, showing Ishgard our good will and in doing so making papa Edmont proud. We are aided by non other than Estinine and seek out the Dravanian Fanatics to try and attempt to help end the war peacefully.
I’ve never played any of the FF games before, so all FF references, the lore and the world will all be completely new to me.
This means I will take my sweet time with things, learn as I go and read trivial things to some.
I welcome tips and advice, but please do not spoil story or major plot parts for me, I want to experience it myself.
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© SQUARE ENIX – 2021
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn and all content therein is the sole intellectual property of SQUARE ENIX. I claim no ownership.
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#FinalFantasy #Live #FFXIV
Loved the mature discussion about life early. Pity you didn't get to go into Dusk Vigil with a full premade so you can take your time to read the notes. We'll have to do that the next time :).
Ahn Qiraj should be amazing to watch at normal levels. I've only ever cleared it at max level hehe.
Nice singing training by the way (*꒪ヮ꒪*)