BEST DUNGEON IN FFXIV? ✦ First impression of this amazing AAR Dungeon ✦

Hello again to all you magnificent humans of the internet~

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Today I finished the last 2 Dungeons of FFXIV AAR, and I was so ‘eggcited’ about it all that I decided to take the momentum and record some thoughts of one of the best Dungeons I have played thus far. I have no idea what is to come of course, but this dungeon is absolutely amazing and is my favorite by far, for now. *_*

P.S.: I started saying Stone Sigil instead of Vigil…. I was too excited. Mistakes were made, lol.

0:00 – Intro & some Information
1:14 – FF vs WOW
1:45 – Favourite Dungeon of AAR
2:28 – Reason’s Why
4:14 – About the Loot
5:16 – Heal Panic, hurtful mobs and a CR?
7:20 – Ground Effects & Targeting
8:40 – Closing Thoughts and initial impression on FFXIV so far

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50 thoughts on “BEST DUNGEON IN FFXIV? ✦ First impression of this amazing AAR Dungeon ✦”

  1. Great entusiasm 😀 I like the fact you love it already, cause there are a lot of good stuff coming you way! Looking forward to more vidoes from you

  2. If you like this dungeon, I have good news.
    There’s a hard mode of most ARR dungeons you can access via sidequests after you finish the final 2.0 quest.
    So you can return here. It’s not just dragons with more hit points. It’s like, if you took the right path on normal, now you take the left.

  3. It’s an incredible dungeon, also if you love dragons you’ll love heavensward! And when you get to heavensward there is an optional dungeon called Dusk Vigil I think you might enjoy, but it’s optional so look out for it! Similar aesthetic to stone vigil so I think you’ll like it! Also using cure 1 isn’t always a bad thing, since there is a 15% chance when you use it your next Cure 2 will cost no mana, but on huge pulls it might be underwhelming it’s situational. Also to do a quick Resurrection, you can use your role action swift cast, so your res has no cast time, it has a 1 minute cool down but it’s invaluable for fast reviving. I main a White Mage I think you did great in the clips. Loving your videos

  4. As a healer main, I think your healing rotation was fine in this clip. I think your tank was just being very overzealous with the pulls in a leveling dungeon, and also wasn't keeping hold of all the mobs, and that's partly why you were having to panic heal. Healing shouldn't usually be that stressful when you get into later levels, esp on white mage, where your kit is heavily reliant on powerful HoTs, with strong spot heals to supplement them when you need to.

  5. It's fun to watch your excitement because it echoes mine. I just hit level 50 and am having a blast. Everyone says ARR is the weakest part of the game, I seriously cannot wait to get into the expansions!

  6. stone vigil always hard to heal the first time. actually in general it’s sometimes tough. you’re doing great! learn as you go. 😄😄😄 excited to see the journey, your excitement is contagious. 🙂

  7. From what I can tell you're actually healing excellently. Cure 1 helps at low levels because of the shorter cast time and low MP cost. At higher levels you'd be using off-GCD abilities to smooth over the time between big heals instead.

    The battle res:es are unlimited, they simply give the resurrected players a stacking stat penalty (25 to 50 to 75%). You can use swiftcast to make the res instant too.

    PS: the reason the ice sprites hurt so much is because of a quirk in gear/power progression that gives tanks a lot less magic resistance than physical resistance at that level range :p

  8. To speak to your comments about battle rezzing–yes all healing classes have the ability, as well as a few DPS classes (summoner and red mage)! They all might have different names for the spells but they are functionally the same. Raise (as a white mage) does have a long cooldown, but you can combo it with swiftcast for a two-click insta-raise! Assuming swiftcast isn't currently on cooldown that is. There is also the ability to create a macro to where the swiftcast>raise target is automated and able to be performed with the click of a button. Some healers even like to put in a pithy line of dialogue into their macro to let everyone know, like "Raising <target name>. This is no time to sleep!". This has the double function of letting any co-healers know not to waste their spells on the person being rezzed. You obviously don't have to do any of the above, just wanted you to know all of your options!

    Super glad you enjoyed Stone Vigil as much as you did. There is A LOT to love in Heavensward if you love dragons and medieval things. Looking forward to more of your thoughts!

  9. Make more use of Lucid Dreams when you hit about 6000 MP, then you can make more use of Cure II which leads to not having to heal as often compared to spaming Cure I which also leads to more time to dps which equals to less combat time/ healing needed because dead enemies can't hurt the tank.

    Also ignore the prog-chance on Cure I, that trait is unmitigated garbage, because unlike the Firestarter prog on BLM the progged Cure II is not instant.

    Also do yourself a favor and play the Binding Coils of Bahamut-Raids of ARR as well as the Questline of Edda Blackheart and maybe the ARR Hildebrand-Quest if you are into very stupid 4th wall breaking.

  10. I was looking at that tank dropping to 10% all the time and even as a hardcore raider that is used to seeing people so low I got a little nervous and anxious

  11. Overall tips for healing with a level of comfort: always regen after the pull so you don't steal emnity during the pull is going on. After that, if it's a small pull, just spam cure 1 until you reach a comfortable level. If it's a big pull, you do Presence of Mind (this allows your gcd cast to be lower, should go from 2.5 to 1.9 or something) and spam some cure 2 until you're comfortable. Then, Lucid Dreaming into a few cure 1 and swapping to cure 2 whenever you feel you're not comfortable. Presence of Mind helps for you to spam heals and Lucid Dreaming helps with the mp. 🙂 Cure 2 should be your main heal gcd if you are good handling lucid dreaming (which, from the video, you are).

  12. Als FF Vet ist es immer schön die begeisterung neuer Leute zu sehen wenn sie FF es erste mal spielen ^^. Wenn du jemanden Wiederbelbst kriegt er nen Debuf der seinen Schaden
    herabsetzt. Der läuft 1 Min. Zum heilen in dungeons speziel bis Lv 60 und leveling Dungeons ist zu sagen das Tanks hier trotz Mitigation skils recht heftig schaden kriegen. Oft sind sie aus X Gründen auch einfach undergeard. Es kommen später noch genug schöne Dungeons keine Angst ;-). Bevor du mit Heavensward anfängst empfehle ich dir die 3 Allianzraids zu machen (aus Story Gründen später wichtig) und die ARR raid Serie "Coils of Bahamut" oder "Verschlungene Schatten" zu deutsch (Wichtig zur Hintergrundstory was damals alles nach der Seventh Umbral Calamity pasiert ist).

  13. Stone Vigil is my favourite ARR dungeon too. I'm a big fan of the aesthetic as well as the mobs and fights.

    As for your wipe, I cringed as soon as I saw your tank go for the room pull on top of the elementals. That dungeon is a tank check in my opinion, what you pull and where you pull makes a huge difference as the mobs don't mess about in there, the Aevis and elementals especially need to be handled right.
    That was a huge risky pull in a leveling dungeon.

  14. For the reviving: All healers can revive mid-combat and even some of the magical DPS can do it too. When healing I typically hold onto swiftcast during bosses or big pulls for instant reviving just in case.

  15. As a healer it is always recommended to keep the Swiftcast ability in reserve to turn your Raise (Resurrection) into an instant cast (instead of the insanely slow normal cast). Unless I know that the content is super easy and most people are familiar with it, I do not use Swiftcast for anything else other than keeping it in reserve in case the tank dies (DPS can wait, unless again, it is content where I absolutely don't expect the tank to die soon). It is your ultimate panic button trump card, so don't use it for just marginal DPS increase. Keep up the great work! 😀

  16. This was a great video and very informative too. Especially for me who is coming up on this dungeon soon myself. I totally am looking forward to playing it now! Also, castration meridiandum for sure, yes. XD

    Your enthusiasm is quite contagious in a good way and I am glad to see you so eggcited about the game. I am ready to see more content from you 😊

  17. just a heads up, while cure III is a powerful aoe heal, it has a very small range so its not always worth it, medica/medica II/asylum are what you are gonna be using more often til lvl 76. Also during those add pulls those dps prob shouldnt have been hit by those aoe but if they do you can just toss a regen on them and let that tick as opposed to using cure/cure II.

  18. stone vigil is the exact last dungeon where cure 1 is useful, and people bashing cure 1 are too used to how much more in control you are of everything the very second you reach 45 and get holy.

    for stone vigil, you could get away with cure 2 and regen only, using cure 1 only once you’ve used up lucid and are at less than half mp

    your tank mostly died because cure 1 won’t outheal the damage faster than he takes it. it might take some time for you to get a feel for how much damage your tank takes, with and without mitigation, and how much you should heal for but once you do you’ll see less and less use for cure 1.

    best advice is to practice seeing how low you can leave the tank before needing to throw out a cure 2 so as to not waste mp overhealing

  19. Ah yes, the ice sprites. They really do just appear and teach everyone a lesson. XD
    Stone Vigil has a very unique look to it, I agree. And keep in mind, this was a dungeon made for ps3 graphics. Just imagine the dungeons you're gonna see in the future expansions that were made for more powerful platforms!
    Also, all healers (and some magic dps) have a battle res. And the ability that makes your next spellcast instent, swiftcast, can be used with your res to let you res someone instantly!

  20. Stone Vigil is still one of my favourite dungeons in the whole game even though I've played through every single one of them multiple times. I'm always happy when I get it in a roulette and I'll still do it with my squadron just for fun once in a while.

  21. Raids! Raids come next. Get yourself to the coils and the crystal tower, they are feast for the eyes. I look forward to your next ff14 video, love hearing you talk about your experiences!

  22. Once you hit 50 and finish the 2.0 MSQ go to Old Gridania and pick up the quest "One Night in Amdapor" to unlock The Lost City of Amdapor. Visually and mechanically a fun dungeon.

  23. One other tip. When your doing a dungeon for the first time. Tell folks. Trust me in later expansions, tanks will pull heavy. If they know its your first time, they will adjust. You wont get any flack or drama either. CUre1 cure 1 then free cure 2 cast. use that combo.

  24. @Neviriah The way you marvel at the game is so adorable. It only gets better. Each expansion ups the stakes. Dungeons constantly improve, it's rediculous. All healers can resurrect in combat. Summoners and Red Mages can also ressurect dead people. It's basically just like any other skill used in combat. The only penalty a person has for resurrections is Resurrectoin sickness, which lowers the dead person's attributes for 2 minutes or so. It is recommended you insta-cast ressurection by pairing it with Swiftcast. Nice video. Keep up the good work!

  25. Hey I don't know if people have added this but if you are going to level lancer as well the ground target graphic also gives you positions information for abilities that do extra damage from behind and flanking. The little arrow is the way the mob is facing the areas with the boarder on the sides are the flanks and the dark area is the back. So just a heads up to help you optimize some of the melee DPS that need to know those positionals.

  26. Final Fantasy draws in a lot of people new to mmos, far more than WoW, due to the majority of the franchise being single player rpgs. While people often talk about ARR dragging out because of the story, it's also a soft start for people who have never played an MMO. From here on out tho, you're pretty much on your own.

  27. I was looking around to se if there was any addons to the game, i'm supwr fresh lvl 27.
    Found out that there is a bag option i character settings that makes the bags look like "bagnon" or "one-bag" from WoW 🙂 makes thw bags so much better

  28. Future content is going to blow your mind. I love the fact you are so giddy. I feel the same every day I play this. I have had the game for 11 weeks and just finished the Main story. Always cast Regen on Tank before anything (little Tip) I am Level 80 WHM now. Try and hold off using swiftcast for Rezzing players. So cast Swift then Rez and the player will be back in the fight quicker otherwise Rez will take 8 seconds to cast.

  29. Don't mind pls, but it's not "AAR". It should be instead "ARR" = "A Realm Reborn". The title is founded on the fact, that it's the second version of Final Fantasy, after the first was "killed" by the devs. So it's "reborn" 🙂


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