[FFXIV] Twinning First Time Reaction

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#kougaon #ffxiv


24 thoughts on “[FFXIV] Twinning First Time Reaction”

  1. So the Lore to the Twinning is partially strewn out through the dungeon itself in readables. But in short…

    The Ironworks; Cid's (and Nero's) legacy worked after the Calamity in which the WoL would have died. They used their knowledge gathered on Alexander to find a means to travel through time and their knowledge on Omega to travel through the void and it culmimated in the Tycoon: An artificial Primal that could travel through space and time but it needed an immense source of power.
    The tower provided that and they managed to reopen it and wake up G'Raha inside. After a good amount of deliberation they found out where to go and from when to pluck the WoL out of the timestream and the rest is history.
    You might want to check out this for some extras as well: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/tales_from_the_shadows/sidestory_08/#sidestory_08

  2. I have ~3 million gil to your 5 million, and I consider 100K for a HQ max iLvl item to be cheap. 🙂 A lot cheaper than doing all the dungeon runs needed to get all the tokens/whatever to purchase items from Rowena's House of Usury.

  3. Basically this dungeon explains how everything was set up in advance to save the First AND the Source. If you know anything about Doctor Who, the Ironworks essentially transformed the Crystal Tower into a giant TARDIS using the tech of Alexander, Omega and the Crystal Tower itself.

  4. Sooo. I know lots of people mentioned other ways to obtain gear for min ilvl but…is no one gonna mention that you don't actually NEED min ilvl if you go in with a full party, as you did? xD
    You only need to reach the required item level for duty finder, not if you go in with friends, lol.


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