FFXIV Tribal Quest Worth Doing? My Top Favorite Tribal Quests To Complete!

Hands down my favorite ones mostly because the mounts are amazing
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14 thoughts on “FFXIV Tribal Quest Worth Doing? My Top Favorite Tribal Quests To Complete!”

  1. It can definitely be hard picking a favorite.

    From ARR, my favorite tribe quest is the Sahagin. It also has some far reaching ramifications, particularly if you did the Melee Role Quest in Endwalker. I was so happy when the Elbst was able to "fly" because that allowed me to swim with it as well in Stormblood areas (yes, you could not use it under water at the time Stormblood came out because it was classified as a Terrestrial mount).

    I think each expansion has had its "comedic" Tribe quests as well. ARR, that is most certainly the Kobolds, which are sincerely my least favorite quests for that area ^^; That said, I was happy to see Ba Go as a part of the Moonfire Faire a couple years back. For Stormblood, you can say the Moogles are the comedic relief team and the Namazu for Stormblood. I would then kind of consider the Dwarfs to be the comedic relief in Shadowbringers – Yet in all the above cases, there is at least some serious or relatable element of their story.

    If I'm going on story alone, then I have to give it to the Pixies from ShB.

    If it is by Mounts I must tip my hat to the Namazu (did you notice there is one in the rear right of the Mikoshi who's eyes are glazed over and looks half dead? Like "Ohgod, why is the WoL so heavy!?".

    That said, hands down the mount I am most singularly proud of from the tribe quests (not putting Beast before it is going to take some time getting used to) would be the Direwolf from the Ixal Tribe. Why? Well, the Ixal are a Crafting tribe in ARR, and unlike the others of that content, they have 7 ranks to climb as opposed to 4. You spend a great deal more time with them than any other, and before the Ishgardian restoration, trying to grind levels for crafters was significantly more difficult. I do like their story, and I love Sezul Totolok (we play TT every friday night 😉 it has the distinction of being the first mount I ever earned in game. – I did get the behemoth mount before this for achievements, but the number of merits needed for that one is pretty paltry in the long run. I EARNED my wolf. I don't care that it has no special music or that it has no bonus animations like so many other mounts, it was the first one I actually earned. (I am not counting my GC Chocobo or the Magitek Armor since they are given through story quests). Really earned. Peacocks and bloated cats corpses be damned.

    If it is a matter of minions, I adore my little Wind-up Kojin. (Story connected = very sweet). Pixies second because I thought that's what the Sylphs would look like. So, that's my take.

  2. I did all of them and while the grind for some were awful (Ixal!), they’re all worth it. Especially since the first three expansions have a bonus quest in each that ties up the three tribes stories in each expansion. You only get it after to completely max them all out. This is something no one really talks about and they’re missing out. Really funny and provides a lot of extra story. You also get good titles from them.

  3. Ok so how many beast tribes are there? Which are crafting /gathering and which are normal? If I’m allowed I think 12 beast tribe quests per day which 3 besides the endwalker one should I knock out. I’ve only completed the pixies. I haven’t unlocked most of them tbh is there 3 beast tribes per expansion besides arr?

  4. Don't fret if you think that there are too many tribe quests. Pick a tribe whose rewards you like best and go from there. Tribe quests are a long term thing and not really important to other aspects of the game like raiding. And the tribes can also help you to level up, but the tribe has to be in an area relative to your job level. For example if you are level 70 you will tend to do the tribes in Stormblood and Shadowbringers areas, while if you are level 80 you should do the tribes in Shadowbringers and Endwalker.

  5. So far I finished only the Ixal from ARR which I liked a lot and it's great for leveling crafters til lvl 50.
    I'm still not finished with the moogles in HVW, I think the story is great too and you get a really original mount from it.
    Namazuo is still not finished too but I'm super hyped for the Mikoshi mount. And I didn't know you also get a chocobo?! Hell now I have to finish them even more!
    But I think the best story goes to the fairies. It was super interesting and rewarding and I happily logged in everyday to see how the story continues. But I have to say the Vath Story from HVW was awesome as well. And you get the fruits for coloring your chocobo there! If that's not special I don't know what is. We just forget about this weird flying thing of an insect (?) that nobody wants and never uses đŸ€Ł
    I think the…hell what was their names again? The DoH tribe quest in SHB. Those cute rats in LAHEE forest. You know. I think their story might be nice as well but I only started this one recently, so not sure about it yet.
    Stormbloods Beast tribes were cool but kinda not that interesting and the mounts were also kinda meh. Elephants? Really? đŸ€Ł The Griphon is nice but you also get one in the collectors edition and it's colour is better…and the ray is cute but that's all.
    But yeah I'm curious about the Matangas in EW. And I hope so much we also get the Loporrits as DOH/DoL quests too. Can't wait for it ❀

  6. I've done everything except ARR beast tribes that's not Ixal. Since i've already got all their mounts from moogle event, I don't have motivation to finish them lol.
    And yeah, my top favorite would be Namazu because of the funny storyline and rewards. Followed by Ananta for the double mounts. And lastly Vanu Vanu. I didn't remember why I like to do them before, it's been ages lol. Maybe because of how the place grew after each story? :/
    But I do remember the one I hate the most is Moogle. Damn quests were so tedious and took sooooo much time, from the base to the end of the map, then go to other side of the end of the map to complete its objective then go back to previous end of the map wtf


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