FFXIV The Black Mage Experience™

#FFXIV #ff14

When an Immovable object uses irresistible force.

May also cause middle school syndrome and a strong desire to selectively blame your healers.


12 thoughts on “FFXIV The Black Mage Experience™”

  1. Triplecast during Ley Lines is fine, it is something that every BLM from level 66 onwards does during their opener. While you don't get the cast speed benefit, you're still getting the recast reduction.

  2. This is part of the reason why #FFXIV #BlackMage is considered one of the hardest classes to play and the worst of the Casters.

    As a Black Mage, you MUST know all of your spells inside and out, know exactly when to use each, must maintain a specific combo, and must manage your stance at all times or it's a DPS los. Moving at all = Interrupted Casting. Interrupted Casting = DPS loss. If in an absolutely perfect world where a Black Mage never had to move, never had to do dungeon/raid mechanics, and never needed to provide buffs; then sure, they would be the game's #1 top damage-dealer. However, that is rarely the case. Furthermore, Black Mages are akin to Samurai in the fact that they provide no group or raid utility outside of their damage numbers. This is why despite them pulling high numbers, they're rarely sought after in team set-ups. Why? Because their damage is highly dependent on the encounter and its mechanics. Furthermore, a party or raid will lose significant raid utility bringing along a Black Mage VS a Red Mage or Summoner who can provide shielding, dmg+ buffs, and revives (res). They're also a liability to the team and to healers who need to "babysit" them.


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