FFXIV Endwalker Reactions Finale: Our Journey Will Never End

WE WON’T BE AFRAAAID TO FORGE AHEAAAAD~ Follow me on Twitch and Twitter for more shenanigans! Twitch: …


26 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Reactions Finale: Our Journey Will Never End”

  1. Thank you again for sharing the journey!
    Endwalker was an experience I'll never forget. Only joined FFXIV at the tail end of Shadowbringers, but was caught up to MSQ at Endwalker release. The whole journey was just.. Magical.
    And gotta say – as someone who enjoyed and kinda accepted Zenos ever since Stormblood – Endwalker fleshed him out to be a wonderful foil to our character. And for me personally there was no other option other than "That, I cannot deny". That knowing and accepting smirk on my character who is a chaos gremlin by nature was PERFECT. As well as going into literal fistfight.. Yes, it is a full-on anime ending. AND I'M FULLY IN IT!
    Thank you again for feeding us emotional vamprires x)

  2. I admit I took screenshot like crazy for this part. The ending scenes were total perfection and gives you a sense of accomplishment.
    Edit: After being let go from his mercenary job. A certain dragoon can be seen in a bar buming off his 'uncle's' money for several months.

  3. Aaaah, this part finally! Thank you for sharing the journey~ I picked the 3rd option 'I've had enough of you. It ends here' because frankly both me and my WoL were quite done with him at this point. XD; The credits were so good and I love that the WoL got included! ;w;
    Also I'm pretty sure at this point your 6.1 stuff will be out before I finish it. I'm waiting to see what 6.2 is bringing MSQ wise before I decide how driven that will make me to finish 6.1. XDDD

  4. What a journey Endwalker turned out to be. From the classic 'Zodiark's the lvl 83 trial?!' to 'what the hell is Zenos doing here?!' (in some cases), this expansion just had… so much going on. Very emotional ride, too; 'The Walk' in particular, for me… but also hearing Alisaie cry just kinda… yeh. I love her, so hearing her cry just kinda broke my heart a bit.

    It was another adventure to watch you and your friends go through the MSQ too! Thank you so much for sharing your reactions to the story! I'm looking forward to seeing reactions to the stuff that follows! (To include a certain IV reference from 8.1… ;P )

    EDIT: Also, very beautiful new avatar you have for the channel! ♥

  5. And so, at last, we reach the end. Thank you for this series. It was great to watch, you’re all obviously very sincere and enthusiastic about this game and it’s absolutely enhanced my enjoyment watching you all. Best of luck with future endeavours.

  6. It was nice seeing you catch onto Zenos' key phrases quick. I can't tell you the number of times I've watch streamers and others fight Zenos and keep getting hit by a lack of reflexes over and over again. One even was down to their last life before finishing the fight. I was wondering if they were actually going to LOSE the fight. Curious as to what he says or does if you do.

  7. He sees you for what you are. yourself. That a saviour, a Warrior of Light is not all you are. you are also someone who keeps pushing yourself to the limit. Someone who challenges themselves constantly. And ultimately, someone who simply enjoys a good fight.
    And at the end of the universe, where no one else needs saving. Where nothing else is at risk. Where at the moment, you are free of responsibility and obligations. Why not….. Let go and indulge yourself?

  8. I LOVE Zenos' opening line here. In case you were wondering if Zenos was possibly going to get a redemption arc here, the disdain dripping from his voice makes it abundantly clear that he does not give even the tiniest of shits about the world you just struggled so mightily to save.

  9. Also if you let the credits play out, they cycle through every city/ARR starter zone theme, along with all of the expansion themes in order. The walk at the end is set to Endwalker music.

  10. The Zenos fight at the end was probably one of my favorite solo instance fights in the game because it had a lot of different mechanics and it was just fun as hell to have a Reaper on Reaper brawl. My first time through the story I did this fight as a Summoner as I'm normally a caster main and I enjoyed the fight but thought it was super easy on Summoner since I could pretty much attack and dodge without any problem but once I picked up Reaper and went through the story with it on my other character I ended up falling in love with the job and becoming a Reaper main and I've gotta say the final fight was SO MUCH MORE FUN AS A REAPER! There was just something viscerally satisfying about carving up Zenos with my scythe, ESPECIALLY with my full-powered Enshroud.

  11. As a side note, I also never learned how to do that aetherial ray mechanic correctly but on Reaper I'd just hit my arcane crest and I would fully regen from the damage (this was before they cut its regen potency in half but even now the added regen on top of what the game already gives you is more than enough to make that mechanic irrelevant). I basically did the same thing on Summoner by putting up one of my carbuncle barriers or hitting myself with a phoenix regen and I never fell below half health. Afterwards, it REALLY made me want an extreme option for the fight where the mechanics come out even faster and you don't have that "can't die" buffer so you have to start the fight over if you lose…but just as an option.


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