FFXIV – Mechanic is hard enough to figure out when I can see it.


22 thoughts on “FFXIV – Mechanic is hard enough to figure out when I can see it.”

  1. For some reason every RDM are so greedy on LB3. Even if there's 3 melees in the party they'd be the first to grab it. Like chill your lb3 is not even that powerful compared to melee's. Keep casting that jolt2 and let melee do the lb job.

  2. what’s the point in doing lb3 as a red mage when you have a samurai and ninja in the party? i thought melee did more lb3 damage plus they don’t have possibly raid wiping animations. i’m genuinely asking bc i’m new to the game and wanna know for future reference

  3. I know casters tend to do lb3 cuz melee sometimes just seem to forget they can use it. I am at fault of this when I play melee cuz I just tunnel vision my rotation and mechanics. Usually when I play with friends they have to remind me 😅

  4. While the rdm is the primary culprit, it doesn't help if you don't tone down the effects on other abilities too. For those that don't know: Open Character Configuration -> Control Settings (the arrows icon) -> Character tab -> Battle Effects Settings. You can set how prevalent the effects are for yourself, party members, and others not in your party separately. Show all means everything; show limited means flashy bits like the swirl and petals on samurai's aoe don't show, but things like ground effects still do. Useful for being able to see healer bubbles and damage effects like NIN's doton and DRK salted earth. Show none with show nothing except the character's animation. THIS WILL NOT AFFECT LB EFFECTS BECAUSE FUCKING REASONS.


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