FFXIV | Shadow Wolf Mount

This video showcases the new store mount Shadow Wolf!
All New 6.4 Mounts and How to Get Them: https://youtu.be/JAMTQGnUcXM

More 6.4 Content:
All Tomestones set: https://youtu.be/GUSUJQV_gCs
All Tomestones Weapons: https://youtu.be/nwCK5ooGkiU
New 6.4 Glamour sets and how to get them: https://youtu.be/9efFRaLLZoA
ALL New Voidcast Weapons: https://youtu.be/CVRU_ww0gnk
Diadochos [Casual] Gear https://youtu.be/2oqOw6gOzqA
All New 6.4 Mounts and How to Get Them: https://youtu.be/JAMTQGnUcXM
Zurvan Unreal Guide: https://youtu.be/bFecYHReoBM
6.4 Goodies: https://youtu.be/EHCONC4iRUw

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46 thoughts on “FFXIV | Shadow Wolf Mount”

  1. Next they will add the Morbol mount, then all the savage mounts, then all the ultimate weapons to the mogstation >_> Such a lame move to make and screw over the playerbase for more transaction $$

  2. Not quite the wolf I was hoping for, but I guess I can settle for Dalamud's emo cousin for now.. But I'll keep waiting until I can get the good boy.

    Also, it's a strange choice for MogStation. They should have given us this instead of Victor. Yeah, I'm still somewhat disappointed with Victor.

  3. It's kinda funny though. The current savage mount seems like a cash shop item, while this one is locked behind a paywall. Either they did a cheeky switch on purpose, or someone mixed up the files.

    With BLU getting lv80, I really thought this was going to all BLU Edenverse Savage achievement. I'm still getting it anyway, not a big deal for me.

  4. Very sad to see another mount in the pay2win store. This one stings a lot since i liked that bossfight in savage but i refuse to pay for a game where i already have to pay monthly as principle.

  5. while the savage mount is indeed a weird choice, i don't get why people are thrown off by this. CC is there and this one will still be very successful (I know I'm probably getting it ^^"); with how EW has been so far rewards-wise I wouldn't be surprised if BLU doesn't even get a mount at this point LOL

  6. Another missed opportunity to make a part of in game content to strive for. Much like how cruise chaser could’ve been a rival wings achievement Mount, this one could’ve been for 80 BLU achievement for completing through Eden raids. Ugh……now to grab my wallet again….and feel hollow about riding this one too.

  7. I was convinced this would be the mount for clearing Eden Savage with BLU, and that it would play Don't Be Afraid.
    Got disappointed seeing this on the store, but bought it anyway and got even more disappointed when fkn Horizons Calling played.
    This is yet another massive disappointed. Why SE??

  8. Incredibly disappointed that this is just a cash grab. I was looking forward to do Eden again. Now everytime I see it'll be a reminder that SE is just another company that only cares about money.

  9. Man.. i would have paid the $32 CAD if it played the Eden "Don't be Afraid" music.. super disappointing. Guess I'll be saving my money lol.
    It would have made more sense to have this as a blu achievement.. cant wait to get another undyable head piece like the one from getting all jobs at 90.. or we get another ARR mob as a mount lol. Jeez.

  10. People tend to forget that SE learned their lesson from locking universally popular mounts behind dead content. We had the same complaints from people when Cruise Chaser was released, with some people demanding an Ultimate clear in exchange, and like, what the actual fuck? Is the weapon and title not enough already?

    This way, anyone who wants Shadowkeeper can own it, and the same principle applies to Cruise Chaser.

  11. Y’know…its not even the fact that its a cash shop mount (Although, yeah it 100% should have been the blu mount). Its the fact that out of ALL the songs in the game, THEY CHOSE HULLBREAKER ISLE AS THE MOUNT MUSIC! WHY?!?


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