FFXIV Endwalker Crystaline Conflict Beginners Guide. A simple breakdown of what PvP entails with some tips and advice along the way to utilising shared actions and tricks on specific maps
0:00 Intro
0:48 Basics
2:18 Overtime
3:50 Shared Actions
10:25 Limit Break
12:08 Maps
16:22 HUD
17:04 Quick Chat
18:26 Outro
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#ffxiv #endwalker #pvp
Very good break down of all the basic pvp mechanics, Looking forward to the follow up videos 🙂
I'd just like to add (maybe you will go over this in the next video though) that you get a damage up buff if you collect those bomb cores (red orbs) on the bomberman map and an attack speed up buff if you collect the black chocobo feathers (get knocked up inside those chocobo ring markers) on the wind map
You know I really noticed those snagging corners on Bomberman earlier today. I'm glad someone else mentioned it. It is hard to tell if this is a map oversight or an intentional hazard by SE to try to mitigate people playing ring around the rosey like they do in a lot of MMO pvp arenas.
If they did it intentionally I think it is a nice touch. You can pillar dance but if you get sloppy you actually get stuck and punished…I like it!
I’m still trying to get out of Silver hell. It’s been a struggle…
Tbh, I really hate PvP. But glam is glam and horses are looking nice. My experience was a bit different since I played casual matches only, so it way more relaxed. As a whole i kind of like the idea (short timer, nice rewards no matter the result) BUT they have to work on balancing classes and tune down stuns. It gets ridiculous at times, and some are way too op at the moment. When you see 3 WAR with SAM and WHM on the other sied and you are stuck with bards and dancers.. Yes, gg.
This is just what I wanted! I had pretty much resigned myself to not even giving PvP a shot.
just this morning I was thinking to myself "I should look for some 'new 5vs5 pvp video'" and then this video appears as suggested…. I'm grateful and all but THEY ARE READING MINDS NOW?! (great video tho, thanks :3)
How do you set up your hot bar before going into battle all my slots are now blank. I don't know what you can and cant use in battle. Don't want to just go in and not know where my buttons are.