The New Data Center Travel Rules are a Mess in FFXIV

There opinions on the new data center travel system are very mixed and we should talk about it –

The Studium –

#ffxiv #dawntrail #ff14 #endwalker

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4 thoughts on “The New Data Center Travel Rules are a Mess in FFXIV”

  1. I've always said that if you want to /learn/ a fight, you do it in Crystal PF and if you want to /clear/ a fight, you go to Aether. As someone who played on Aether for 5 years and now I'm on Crystal and have been here for over 3, I can safely say that Crystal's raiding scene is there. People just tend to either get bogged down by all the RP venues in PF or they have a more hardcore mindset and don't want to deal with Crystal's more casual approach. I've done every bit of content over the past three years, all on Crystal and all on par with Aether's progression.

  2. Tbh they should just revert to how it was upon DT release until they can create a cross DC party finder. Its far easier for statics to travel to Dynamis than everyone going to Aether


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