[ FFXIV ] Sage Shouldn't Be This Hard

discord: https://discord.gg/HQNkbqvNdc
Thank you to https://twitter.com/ryumaxx_ for art!

Music that isn’t FFXIV or specified is from:
BGM:dova-syndrome https://dova-s.jp
SOUND: Otological https://otologic.jp/free/bgm/recent.html

#kougaon #ffxiv


37 thoughts on “[ FFXIV ] Sage Shouldn't Be This Hard”

  1. Sage is NOT a beginner healer job so I'm quite happy for the skill cap it has and the difficulty it is. Plus it's one of the most if not the most MP efficient healer jobs out there with three abilities restoring 7% of your base MP with one ability having three charges thanks to the Adders gauge. I love Sage and coming from being a former Scholar main turned Astro main this is one of my favorite healer jobs.

  2. Between the shield healers, if you put a gun to my head and asked me to main one of them, I'd pick Sage.

    Because I actually feel like I'm doing something.

    Also because lazers.

  3. as someone who is only DPS and took on the healer just for one dungeon for fun
    Uh yeah im enjoying it, i feel like im constantly doing something (both healing and damage) but god if i can't remember which spell is an AOE healing and which is single targeting cause of these names
    Also only learned Physis was regen like….4 levels later

  4. The skill icons could of used more work, they all look too similar. I get what they were going for with making them blue, but it’s really hard to visualize what is what just by looking at the skill icons. Guess it will take some getting used to.


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