FFXIV Resplendent Crafting Tools – Fast Farm with Macro!

Vidéo en Français: https://youtu.be/BXmYfqesU3I

Hey Folks!

To be honest, I’m so happy about today’s video as it saved me so much time to work on my resplendent crafting tool!

HUGE Thanks to Dr Momochi that put together macro for the expert recipe required for the resplendent farming, you can find Dr Momochi macros here: https://ffxivteamcraft.com/rotation-folder/MWaFzdabvYmynV5TWQsC

Video for the crafter set Meld: https://youtu.be/hUnnd0OcYoM

I did change a little bit at the end of the macro for resplendent B and C as they were not working 100% of the time (or I required an FC buff that I can’t get from my FC). My updated macro can be found in the comment of the video.

0:00 Introduction
2:18 Steps to get the tool
9:29 Presentation of the 3 macros and change

Happy that we can get a resplendent crafting guide up and running, fun content to achieve!

Title: FFXIV Resplendent Crafting Tools – Fast Farm with Macro!


16 thoughts on “FFXIV Resplendent Crafting Tools – Fast Farm with Macro!”

  1. Macros for the 3 recipes:
    Recipe 1:
    Part #1:
    /echo Use Tsai tou Vounou HQ <se.5> <wait.1>

    /ac Reflect <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /echo Macro #1 finished <se.1>

    Part #2:
    /ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>

    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac Observe <wait.3>
    /ac "Focused Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
    /ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
    /ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>
    /ac Veneration <wait.2>
    /ac Groundwork <wait.3>
    /ac Groundwork <wait.3>
    /ac Groundwork <wait.3>
    /ac "Heart and Soul" <wait.3>
    /ac "Intensive Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /echo Craft finished <se.2>

    Recipe 2:
    Part #1:
    /echo Use Tsai tou Vounou HQ <se.5> <wait.1>

    /ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac "Final Appraisal" <wait.2>
    /ac Veneration <wait.2>
    /ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>
    /ac Groundwork <wait.3>
    /ac Groundwork <wait.3>
    /ac "Final Appraisal" <wait.2>
    /ac "Basic Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac "Heart and Soul" <wait.3>
    /ac "Precise Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
    /echo Macro #1 finished <se.1>

    Part #2:
    /ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>

    /ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Trained Finesse" <wait.3>
    /ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac Observe <wait.3>
    /ac "Focused Touch" <wait.3>
    /echo Macro #2 finished <se.2>

    Part #3:
    /ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>

    /ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
    /ac Veneration <wait.2>
    /ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac "Basic Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /echo Craft finished <se.3>

    Recipe 3:
    Part #1:
    /echo Use Tsai tou Vounou HQ <se.5> <wait.1>

    /ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac "Final Appraisal" <wait.2>
    /ac Veneration <wait.2>
    /ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>
    /ac Groundwork <wait.3>
    /ac Groundwork <wait.3>
    /ac "Final Appraisal" <wait.2>
    /ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac "Final Appraisal" <wait.2>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac Innovation <wait.3>
    /ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
    /echo Macro #1 finished <se.1>

    Part #2:
    /ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>

    /ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>
    /ac "Heart and Soul" <wait.3>
    /ac "Tricks of the Trade" <wait.3>
    /ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac Observe <wait.3>
    /echo Macro #2 finished <se.2>

    Part #3:
    /ac "Focused Touch" <wait.3>

    /ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
    /ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>

    /echo Craft finished <se.3>

  2. I never understood why they made resplendent tools so much work. Before, all you had to do was to craft x different recipes and you got it from the achievement, and for gathering this is still the case. But for SHB, they added TWO sets of shiny tools that both require a ton of expert crafting… and it's not even a tool for the offhand… both are main hand tool…

  3. Today I used your first macro to do the last step of the skybuilders' tool quest. I slightly modified it to work without having to use a crafter's delineation, but it does require specialist and Tsai tou Vounou HQ. Simply remove "heart and soul" and "intensive synthesis" from the end of the macro, and add a "careful synthesis". You'll get three materials per turn-in, which means you only have to do this recipe 20 times per tool. Of the 20 I crafted, about 2/3 were max collectability, but all of them were max reward. Total cost for that step was 900 white scrips and about ~40k gil from the mb for the 200 grade 4 artisanal mats.

  4. so how the fuck were you supposed to craft this at lvl 80? im literally lvl 90 now with 3300ish/3300ish 556 cp and literally can't even get the god damn thing to the BARE MINIMUM quality, let alone actually finish the fucking thing…… this is fkin ridiculous BS, it's literally useless glam now how the HELL were you supposed to do this crap at lvl 80 with 800 less control and craftsmanship?????????????????????????????????????

  5. dont know if someone else has this but iat the second ecipe alot of times im out of cp before byregots blessing i have about 6 cp less then in this video .. iif you remove trained finesse out of it and stop the macro before using great strides before byregots blessing you can look if you got enough cp to do certain actions and you can also use the careful observation up to three times to get a good (red) form so byregots blessing 100% the quality takes more time but for me the second recipe is about half wasted on to low quality.. but still a bbig thanks for this helps alot

  6. I was able to finish the first recipe with some of my gears fully melded. Then when i found out that you have to be pentamelded, i did that. Then tried doing recipe 1 again and I'm on my 6th try and I couldnt get it done. Wtf happened.

    Craftsmanship: 3367
    Control: 3592
    Cp: 664 on tsai tou vounou HQ

  7. I had to do some minor editing (bit lower stats on my crafter), but all of these worked as a good inspiration on making a working macro for myself. Now that I've confirmed them to work well, I can finish the grinds in relaxation. Thank's a lot for the video/macros!

  8. Thank you for this 😡 it took me a whole day to get the Weaver tool. I had to gather everything nedeeded and crafting all 3 recepies. 😅 all based on your macros. I think I will stop at one, to exhausted 🤣


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