FFXIV – Resistance Weapon COMPLETE Start to Finish Guide

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37 thoughts on “FFXIV – Resistance Weapon COMPLETE Start to Finish Guide”

  1. Thank you for the guide, but I just came here to cry about Delubrum, which they expect you to run 15 times per weapon as if that dungeon is actually replayable throughout an 8 hour workday of grinding for a single weapon, nay, for a single STEP of one weapon! I thought post-ARR was tiresome, but the DR grind officially reached the Top Seat of things I don't ever want to go through again :<

  2. This was awesome. Thank you. It was a little confusing and overwhelming. Now it's not! Currently on the second to last step. I'm thankful I don't gotta repeat it. Lol. Dang books!

  3. Timeworn step is probably the most painful out of all the step. I am hoping for an update where they increase the drop to 2 or 3 per DR run or at least a repeatable weekly that rewards extra timeworn relic. Also for the one time three quests that you do before the final step, I recommend running the raids after you finish getting it from the Skermish and before the Moogle Event is over. Chances are you are going to get 30 items from Skermish before you get 30 items from the CE. Instead of wasting your time waiting for CE to spawn, you could be getting your rare drops from the raid and you get Moogle Tomestones at the same time.

  4. Got my 1st stage resistant weapons when it was released last year Feb, then I took a 1.5 yr break and came back and this seems a lil overwhelming. Is it totally fine to skip this relic weapon even though it's the "BiS for ShB"? Endwalker is most knowingly gonna just give some stronger weapons even through simple dungeon drops, as all expansions did.

  5. I hope we get dyable versions of the ilvl430 Weapons somehow, I mean come on the DRK Weapon is named Antiqured Shadowbringer, it bears The Name of the Expansion and we can't dye it!?

  6. Here I was thinking the 30×6 items were required for each weapon…I dam near gave up grinding it because I didn't really like any of the weapons to begin with but since it's a one time step it makes it a bit more bearable

  7. just a side note since this vid is a month old. you can do 5 runs of Delubrum and you get 3 timeworm artifacts. its by far the best way to get them. so glad they made that step easier


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