FFXIV Races Tier List (2023) – Ranked by Popularity

What is the current FFXIV race tier list based on popularity? We rank both the overall population numbers and the endgame numbers from FFXIV Census.

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► FFXIV Census: https://ffxivcensus.com/



00:00 – Intro
01:00 – Overall Tier List
05:20 – Endgame Tier List



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“Sincerely” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
“Leopard Print Elevator” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
“Bossa Antigua” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
“Space Jazz” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


22 thoughts on “FFXIV Races Tier List (2023) – Ranked by Popularity”

  1. I expected Lalafell to be in A atleast, I see so many Lalafell videos. But I never expected for Lalafell to go all the way down to C during the Endgame though so that surprised me. Lol XD

  2. It's probably not possible, but it would be interesting to see how the populations change per world. Based on my experience on my home world of Faerie, I was absolutely certain that Viera would be in the top three over Hyur and Lalas. Lots of bunnies over here. It also seems like we have more Hrothgar than Roes here too. Maybe us Faerie folk aren't as bothered by the lack of hats or something.

  3. This list is so backwards. The least popular races should be s tier. Since they are more rare. Why are common and basic races s-tier? They are a dime a dozen. Catgirls and aura fems are the most basic and overused groups and should be at the bottom of the list.

  4. l wish this game is more alt friendly. l want 2 more female lalafell, 2 more au ra girl, and at least a viera girl…. currently, l can only manage a lalafell and a catgirl


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