Social Anxiety Run – Final Fantasy 14 – VOD 2

Final Fantasy 14 has one of the most well written stories in any game! I’ve enjoyed a lot of it, I’ve personally only made it to Stormblood. This game always made me really nervous though. I know there was very little chance of failure in the main story dungeons, but I’m always scared that I’ll get the entire party killed and then it will be my fault because I don’t know the mechanics, but how can I know the mechanics the first time I play? So before every dungeon I would study until I was confident I wouldn’t let everyone down. However in Patch 6.5 the made it so the entire MSQ can be solo’d with npcs. My end goal for this playthrough is to make insanely long videos for a playlist of giant movies you can just turn on and forget about in the background!

In VOD 2 We’ve met Y’shtola who seems very interested in our hallucinations. The story is going to hit full swing very soon here. I forgot how slow the start was, but maybe the next dozen quests will fly by. I think we’ll at least finish Staelwyrn’s quests. I bet his Sailor friends are all sad and mopey about giving up the pirate’s life. Yar Har Fiddle-Dee-Dee, GET BACK TO WORK afore’ I take ye o’er me knee!

Watch the full FFXIV playlist here:

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