My reaction to the World of Warcraft Afterlives series, Bastion, Ardenweald, Maldraxxus & Revendreth. This was another series that was highly requested after the trailer reaction videos!!
As always, I really enjoyed the art style and how well put together these little pockets or lore are, Revendreth was by far my favorite!!!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!!
Watch my most recent video:
Playlist you should check out:
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——————————– CHAPTERS ——————————–
00:00 Intro
00:21 Bastion
07:11 Ardenweald
13:27 Maldraxxus
17:54 Revendreth
21:37 Discussion
——————————– TAGS IGNORE ——————————–
world of warcraft,
ffxiv vs wow,
wow vs ff14,
final fantasy,
final fantasy xiv,
final fantasy reaction,
wow trailer reaction,
wow trailers,
world of warcraft gameplay,
world of warcraft cinematic,
world of warcraft trailer,
world of warcraft 2022,
afterlives bastion,
afterlives revendreth,
afterlives ardenweald,
afterlives bastion reaction,
afterlives maldraxxus,
afterlives wow,
wow afterlives reaction,
wow afterlives bastion,
wow afterlives ardenweald
Hell, your chat is such a toxic bunch of crybabies. XD And they mostly got no clue what they are talking about.
third lol
take most of what your chat says with a grain of salt, most seem to just shit on wow cause its the popular thing to do right now. Is it the best? I dont think so, but it sure as hell is a good game to have survived this long.
The ending of the Bastion Afterlife was referencing a cinematic from the end of the most famous raid in the game – Icecrown Citadel. I recommend giving 'The Fall of the Lich King' a watch.
Fully agree that the Revendreth short was the strongest of the 4! The guy in the voiceover, Sire Denathrius, ended up being popular enough that he may actually stick around as a relevant character going forward.
Shadowlands itself had a lot of potential (and there was certainly a lot of cut content), but the direction they ended up going with was hindered hugely by poor design. Locking player characters to only one of the factions shown stretched the story pretty thin, even if you ended up going through all of them. They also time gated faction content due to it being linked to gear progression, so the story was drip feed at best and largely consisted of periodic updates on Sylvanas deciding whether or not to be evil.
The expansion more or less put the overall lore on hold to at best tell some neat afterlife stories, at worst retcon some of the most fundamental lore in the game in order to make the Jailer seem like more of a threat. There was a severe lack of reason to care what happened by the end, with many players joking that the Jailer should have succeeded in resetting the universe and allowing us all to go back to smaller scale fantasy stories that people can more easily connect to.
Excuse the long comment, I've been finding the WoW situation very interesting to follow.