FFXIV Player Reaction To Asmongold

discord: https://discord.gg/HQNkbqvNdc
Thank you to https://twitter.com/ryumaxx_ for art!

Music that isn’t FFXIV or specified is from:
BGM:dova-syndrome https://dova-s.jp
SOUND: Otological https://otologic.jp/free/bgm/recent.html

#kougaon #ffxiv


43 thoughts on “FFXIV Player Reaction To Asmongold”

  1. Asmongold just seems like some random large WoW streamer who's interested in 14. I'm not sure what the big deal is. Let the guy play. If he enjoys it, great. Otherwise, he can go back to WoW.

  2. This popped up in my recommendations, and I am okay with this.
    Also sorry I can't read so I don't know what was said at the end of the video. Anyway, good video I'm going to tweet this to my boy Asmon right now!

  3. haha its funny if asmon mocks ff14 cause he used to play it for one month, he gave it a one month try su. if he quit or still playing is unsure but he did try it out.

  4. Just let the guy play a god damn game. I love final fantasy, but to the people who keep getting on asmons ass about it don't chill out, it'll make the entire thing just seem pathetic. An entire game was ruined because one dude played a game? What next, you gonna start taking a dump on your lawn because a majority of horrible people use toilets? Sad

  5. Look, Asmon can come to FFXIV if he wants. But his fanbase? They can fuck off. They are the worst, most toxic people I have ever come across. I don't want that kind of negativity in the game…

  6. FFXIV is a hard sell that succeeds because the devs poured so much love and care into it.

    WoW is a very very easy sell that still manages to struggle because it's horribly mismanaged and neglected.

  7. The statue cracks me up, it’s literally connected to the water. All this magic and technology and people can’t fathom that they might know how to make a water pump lol. People annoy me haha.

  8. Shin Megami is the bomb my man. Persona as well! They can be hardcore and fun! Also some of the best gaming music I've ever heard which I listen occasionally in my playlist. 😀


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