FFXIV patch schedule VS WOW | What FF14 IS doing that other MMOs are NOT. | Gaming Kinda

FFXIV patch schedule VS WOW | What FF14 IS doing that other MMOs are NOT. | Gaming Kinda
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20 thoughts on “FFXIV patch schedule VS WOW | What FF14 IS doing that other MMOs are NOT. | Gaming Kinda”

  1. For me when people ask what is number one strength of FFXIV that make it so successful, I will say "consistant patch cycle" but now I don't think that is a full picture. I should include well-timed Live Letter in that too.

    I mean look at comunity reaction right now, we're hyping about new citerion dungeon and some people already have some concern over reset on wipe in savage, people already dream of their life in Island Sactuary, people already hype and hate Hildy relic weapons and all these 3 things are likely going to release with 6.25 or about 2 – 2.5 months from Live Letter. And this information is also really well-timed becuase they release this information when we're in patch's "drought period" and now a lot of people don't pay attention to content drought anymore, they're looking into the future.

  2. Completely agree, consistency and reliability is part of what FFXIV does right but honestly more importantly is trust and communication. We can trust that they will release new content every 3-4 months. We can trust that if there is a delay they will swiftly put out an announcement and we can trust that it isn't just bullshit. Because everything they've done since ARR they've earned the trust of the players even if players and developers don't agree on everything, but we can trust that at the end of the day they have the best in mind for the game and it's players.
    As a player there are very few things worse than long stretches of silence from the developers especially in MMORPGs.

  3. This video got a like, sub, and comment from me. I agree with how important it is to have a regular content release schedule. In WoW, my group got burned out after we cleared Nathria and basically had almost half a year before anything was going to happen in game. In FF14, even if some of the people in my group feel like they're running out of things to do (because they only like bits and pieces of the game) the next major patch is already coming out next month, and we have a good idea of what's going to be in it. It's a lot easier to stick around for a month when you can see what's down the road than it is to convince someone to stay for half a year with no idea with what's down the pipeline aside from the most basic elements (Ilvl bump for raid tier, new affix, pvp balance maybe, and some story are generally a given, but almost no specifics)

  4. I think it’s disingenuous to say that Vanilla having 18 patches made it good. Most of those 18 patches were fixes to WoW because the game was pretty damn broken on release. Very little content was added during that time so the only real thing to look forward to besides the raids was the wait for TBC and that felt like it took FOREVER. If WoW was released today and they had the same issues and release schedule it’s very likely it would not have survived.

    Petition to rename the channel to Feelings Kinda 👀

  5. Uumm I hope I'm not the only nerd to ask this but… is this spreadsheet available somewhere for download? I'd like to take a look at the data myself.
    I know… I'm weird like that 🙃

  6. You're assessment of SB is correct. The MSQ is a little weaker than HW and ShB. It's not the quality or quantity of content. It is purely that 4.0-4.2 MSQ was a little unsure of it's footing.

  7. Can't help but notice that the longer and more consistent the longer the patch gaps in WoW the more time gated daily grinds they added. The retention mechanic used to be regular content. Now it's forced limitations on progress and padding.

  8. I didn't like stormblood but it wasn't just cuz of msq. The fights felt insultingly easy after Alexander/ thordan ex/sephirot ex. I had to accept the new normal. Also I'd say I'm still adjusting to cleric stance being gone. It's like when you get a tooth pulled and you have to adjust to this hole in your mouth and keep stick your tongue in the gap. I went back and finished eureka ozma mount and all in Shb and ended up loving it. HoH not so much felt like a massive downgrade from potd

  9. If I recall correctly, Yoshi-P mentions almost in passing that when he took over to save FFXIV, he implemented a management style and scheduling that he personally disliked because it was very flexible but took a lot of work to manage. I think he mentioned that it was about asking a dev how long it would take them to complete [X] task and adjusting the downstream schedule on that. If they finished earlier or later, the schedule would be adjusted accordingly. It was in the No-clip documentary.

    Yoshi-P has also built in a certain amount of redundancy so that if a dev is sick, they can take time off without serious disruption.

    EDIT: My understanding for the dislike of Stormblood was primarily due to Lyse as a character. To most English players, she's kind of arrogant and irritating due to the choices the ADR director made for how she was to be voiced. In the Japanese dub, she's the passionate hot-head character trope common in modern Japanese storytelling. Instead of the angry petulance of the English dub, she comes across as passionate but likable.

  10. 100% the management team under Yoshi keep a tight ship that keeps things flowing in a smooth order. Good leadership is also hard to come by. Not all of us can lead well.

    Patch 1.07 brought auction houses to all cities…yes there were 4 auction houses in wow for about a year. This created the meme of the alliance elves having to fight for life and limb to reach iron forge.

  11. My thing with most MMOs is not just content to do, but the story. For me, returning to WoW after so many expansions late just to see how it changed…wasn't fun to me. The story isn't anything how I experienced it in FFXIV and how it changed my outlook on MMOs forever. Raids don't ultimately bring me back, but also people to do consistent content with. I give FFXIV a pass with having not alot of friends on because the community ultimately pushes me to be social a bit in most content, and the community is so loving in most cases. I will give WoW another chance after the Microsoft purchase of Blizzard-Activision officially, but I like it if I can immerse myself into the world. And if its not working for me, I tend to just take my things else where. I'll have a void in my soul once FFXIV closes down in the near future, but I'm happily enjoying and binding my time in the world I love.


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