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Didn't the roadmap say that 6.51 is after EU fanfest?
Anyone else think that the Patch Artwork looks a little goofy?
I love how he says that we are expecting ff16 collab event before endwalkers release and not dawn trail x)
hmm not the best looking patch artwork but definitely has an animated feel to it and i am all for it.
She's going to die.
I love the art style
you know ff14 is in a dire state when the most exciting part of a patch is a fall guys collab.
Fix Glamour and storage. Mylanta…skip some of this unnecessary crap.
I want Zero's hat!
Can’t wait for the new 24-man! Though I have a hard time feeling that this will beat the current one since Halone is my favorite of the Twelve.
All I'm seeing is the Roman fields of grain so guess this is it for Zero
ALOO ALOO island?
I suspect since Zero is the only character added to the Trust system post 6.0 that she'll be surviving 6.5
The 1st and the void are going to "connected" which will ultimately balance between the light and dark saving both worlds
so glad I only need 1500 tomes, There are too many other games to play.
Considering Zero has a trust avatar I assume she's surviving the patch unless Krile takes her spot in Dawntrail
Zeros entire story arc is setting her up for a big sacrifice. When we met her she acted selfishly with no concept of friends, family, or self-sacrifice. However, it doesn't really make sense to have her make a dramatic and emotional sacrifice . . . And then we fuck off to a vacation island and eat big fat tacos with graha lol. No. I suspect we're gonna leave Zero behind until the next expansion after Daen Trail, whose goal will be saving the 13th with our buddies from Shadowbringers that we met with the job quests. Towards the end of that expansion, she will gloriously sacrifice herself to save everyone else and we'll all be crying big, giant tears like little babies. At least, that's the way I would write it.
Growing light clearly refers to a huge light grind at the end of the Mandeville weapons after being required to finish every other relic previously