FFXIV Patch 6.2: NEW Savage Dungeons, Raid Drama & More | Xeno Reacts to Live Letter 71

Xeno reacts to the Final Fantasy XIV Live letter 71 (LXXI). In this video Xeno takes a look at the upcoming PvE battle content coming in Patch 6.2 for Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker. Xeno reacts to the new dungeon, trial, unreal trial, variant dungeons and criterion dungeons that Yoshi-P announced during the Live Letter and talk about the drama surrounding Savage Raids being delayed by 1 week this patch.

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#Xeno #FFXIV #Endwalker

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c

Background music by Sirius Beat
Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/siriusbeat

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34 thoughts on “FFXIV Patch 6.2: NEW Savage Dungeons, Raid Drama & More | Xeno Reacts to Live Letter 71”

  1. 6.2 looking great. Endwalker is definitely on its way to be the best expansion overall at this rate.

    I wonder if we'll ever get Unreal Raids. Imagine upscaled Coil.

  2. Raid Delay is great! I always wanted that, so that there is more time to prep. I'm working like a maniac and can't use off days freely, since i'm working in a Leading position. So at least i can prep my Crafted Gear to start right away after work when Savage comes out and completely without haste and stress.

    The people crying are those unemployed pricks who are still living by their parents.

  3. Been playing FF14 since launch and the criterion dungeons are the thing I wanted most. Not a lot know this but at the launch of ARR, many of the dungeons and trials were very difficult. After many QoL changes, those said dungeons became a joke. I really do missed those halcyon days when ARR contents was a dangerous and it looks like criterion dungeons will offer that feeling again.

  4. Exactly if you've been in any datamining servers images and files literally get datamined hours before the servers is up because Square releases the patch early on for everyone. Plugins literally get updated within an hour of servers being up as well, the only exception and reason 6.1 took so long was because they ditched 32 bit support and changed some massive security flaws of how packets are handled under the hood which led to both ACT and Dalamud to take a few days.

    Not to mention at every expansion launch we always get 2 weeks delay of savage anyways. 1 week is perfect.

  5. As someone who loves playing through dungeons for the aesthetics and small group feel, I've always been interested in the idea of more challenging dungeons but I NEVER thought they'd actually do it in FFXIV. This is cool because they've removed being able to rezz as a bonus and since there are timers that you need to hit it means that over-healing is also probably not the best move. However, I do agree that this still means that Warrior is going to be not only the most OP tank but the most OP job for these dungeons as they can heal both themselves and the party without sacrificing DPS this making it easier on the healer who can then do more DPS. This will be most useful on trash, mind you, so that lead could definitely diminish depending on how difficult they make the actual boss encounters. Just imagining dungeon bosses being scaled up to both extreme AND savage difficulty is quite interesting, especially with the restrictions in savage that you can't resurrect at all, because when you die you'll actually have to go back and clear all the trash again leading up to the boss. I'm sure there will still be checkpoints after each boss but just imagine if they make the trash hit tanks so hard that you CAN'T simply pull wall-to-wall and have to take them on a group at at time.

  6. "rdm nothing special", "as a main red mage i feel atacked"? what is this?, have you ever mained red mage in hard content?, LOOOL, rezzing as red mage its fcking STUPID, its annoying as a dps having to rez someone, interrupts your rotation, interrupts your combo, you have more pressure in your shoulders of making decisions between rezzing and losing the combo or not, 1 GCD loose because someone else fcked up its so stupid, i'd rather like that they get rid of verraise forever.. i'm a dps not a rezzer.

  7. As someone who has done both crafting and day 1 savage prog at the same time, delaying the release by a week sounds nice. Getting up at a stupid hour or staying up all night to start gathering/planning a rotation/crafting for a few hours so that you can go prog after is genuinely miserable

  8. GW2 has the same issue of the path of least resistance. CoF remembers. Only compounded by the awful balance at launch, probably the only game I've played the last 5 years that actively competes with WoW for the biggest class balance disasters.

  9. Something tells me that healing is going to be a joke, as they'd be too scared to ever shut out WHM in a solo heal situation. Fucking WHM holding back the game.

  10. I started playing the last 6 months of Shadowbringers, so Endwalker is the first in which I’ve been able to experience the patches. 6.1 already seemed like a beefy patch and 6.2 seems even better. Are FF14 patches always this loaded? Or is this the by-product of where in interviews they’ve mentioned their development resources will be much greater?

  11. I don't believe for a second that these dungeons will compare to savage difficulty. Hopefully I'm wrong though.

    As for the savage week delay, the world first racers are just mad that they'll have a little extra competition in their exclusive club for the unemployed. Especially since more people will have access to the new crafted gear and time off work.


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