FFXIV – Patch 5.45 Patch Note Overview

Source: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/a65cab900e97855414cd1acab0a2070ed1b8e41b

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22 thoughts on “FFXIV – Patch 5.45 Patch Note Overview”

  1. I hate the fact that the relic quest is stuck behind such a difficult instance. I was fine with grinding for the reclic, that's what you did all the time before! But locking it behind something that many people will have trouble completing is NOT right!

  2. I just re downloaded this again….haven't played in years…..good lord I'm lost. I think I'll have to make a new character and lvl it up just to get a grip on the game again.

  3. Is it really that bad that the FINAL part of the relic weapon is locked behind the quest line? Like you get the easy shiny but not its final form.. You get rewarded for doing all of the content.


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