Being a New Player in FFXIV

I am so sorry to all my healers…


Final Fantasy 14



31 thoughts on “Being a New Player in FFXIV”

  1. Lol…. So I'm a returning player who decided to main Gunbreaker, like many before me. The first trial I run into is Titan (Hard). Told them I don't remember and might mess it up. They say, "No worries, we got you.". It was a mixture of vets and sprouts. Next thing I know I'm the last one standing lol.
    Yesterday did a low lvl dungeon with sprouts. I somewhat guided them while getting a little lost myself. On the last fight, one of the sprouts started the fight while the healer was looking at CS. Great times man. Love seeing new people join and see what happens lol.

  2. I removed my sprout icon but put it back on. Rather people know im new so I have a better excuse to why im lost lol. Im not in any rush though. Im spending more time in the golden saucer than doing dungeons so eventually I'll move on but for now im bumming it up playing events and triple triad. Just like when I played Witcher 3, im a card game addict man. Its a disease. I need the cards man.

  3. Sprouts are frustrating but still somehow endearing. I won't hesitate to tell them exactly where they messed up though, like it or not. They can do it, and I will make sure of it and clear the content with them!

  4. This is amazing. My friends are still getting the hang of the game. I love running content with them because shit like this happens. I end up dying trying to either rez or explain mechs. I gets hectic but its too funny sometimes.

  5. I'm new and just looking at the screen makes me so confused like all the bars doing stuff and so many abilities, i only have 4 (including my magic animal) and I can sprint but thats it

  6. I started 12 days ago and lost my sprout after finishing 5.5 a few days ago, I had a pretty bad time with vets I would get kicked for watching cutscenes and kicked for not knowing mechanics, first time that happened was Aurum Vale I think, and Stone Vigil, I just stay to myself and solo ex trials. Level 70 is almost soloable, hasn't stopped me yet. Better than waiting on a group for mount farming only for the group leader to disband as soon as he gets the mount.

  7. Ez protio for doing instances you haven't done before. Watch and follow the rest of the party. If 5-7 ppl start moving to the same place at the same time then you better get there too. Also remember that bosses like to repeat moves and if it looks the same, it's most likely going to do the same thing, would've def saved you from dying to that kb again. Of ancient flare 3 times. He does the same glow-y charge everytime, I don't even look at the cast bar.


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